/  Istraživački rad

Istraživački rad

PMF Matematika
  1. A. Alihodzic, Enhancing Low-Dose SPECT 2D Reconstruction from One-Dimensional Projections By Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Improved Image Quality, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2024, Springer, Cham, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-5979-8_14
  2. A. Alihodzic, E. Tuba, M. Tuba, Optimizing Camera Placement for Maximum Coverage of Simple Polygons with Holes: Deterministic Approaches and Swarm Intelligence Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, 2024, Cham, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-5979-8_18
  3. A. Akšamović, S. Odžak, A. Odžak, A. Fejzić, Thermal stress of photovoltaic panels, AIP Conf. Proc. 3063, 020001 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0195906
  4. Altwlkany, K., Delalić, S., Selmanović, E., Alihodžić, A., & Lovrić, I. (2024, May). A Recurrent Neural Network Approach to the Answering Machine Detection Problem. In 2024 47th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO) (pp. 85-90). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/MIPRO60963.2024.10569812
  5. Altwlkany, K., Delalić, S., Alihodžić, A., Selmanović, E., & Hasić, D. (2024, May). Application of Audio Fingerprinting Techniques for Real-Time Scalable Speech Retrieval and Speech Clusterization. In 2024 47th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO) (pp. 91-96). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/MIPRO60963.2024.10569239
  6. G. Arone, F. Šarčević, The space of r-immersions of a union of discs in Rn, Mathematica Scandinavica 130 (2024), no. 3, 487–503. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7146/math.scand.a-148809
  7. G. Arone, F. Šarčević, Intrinsic convergence of the homological Taylor tower for r-immersions in Rn, Homology, Homotopy and Applications 26 (2024), no. 2, 163–192. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4310/HHA.2024.v26.n2.a8
  8. A. Bašić, L. Smajlović, Z. Šabanac, Discrete Bessel functions and discrete wave equation. Results in Mathematics, 79 (2024), no. 5, Paper No. 216, 25 pp. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00025-024-02235-y
  9. Bešlić, A., Bešlić, J., Kamber Hamzić, D. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in Elementary Math Education: Analyzing Impact on Students Achievements. U: T. Volarić, B. Crnokić, i D. Vasić (Eds.), Digital Transformation in Education and Artificial Intelligence Application. MoStart 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 2124 (pp. 27-40). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-62058-4_3
  10. E. Bešo, Dž. Drino, S. Kalabušić, D. Kovacevic, E. Pilav, Stability and bifurcations of a host-parasitoid model with general host escape function and general stocking upon parasitoids, Int. J. Biomath., Early Access: July 2024. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793524524500578
  11. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić, E. Pilav, A general egg-limited and search-limited host–parasitoid model with proportional host refuge, Applicable Analysis, Published Online: 12 Nov 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00036811.2024.2426082
  12. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić, E. Pilav, A. Linero-Bas, D. Nieves-Roldán, A generalized Beddington host-parasitoid model with an arbitrary parasitism escape function, Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 34 (2024), no. 10, Paper No. 2450125, 43 pp. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218127424501256
  13. T. Bezdan, A. Alihodzic, E. Tuba, M. Tuba, Transformative Insights of Sentiment Analysis with Explainable Transformer Models, ICT for Intelligent Systems, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer, 2024, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-5810-4_26
  14. Delalić, S., Kadrić, Z., Selmanović, E., Mulaimović, E., & Kadušić, E. (2024, May). Selecting Symbols for Object Marking in Computer Vision Tasks. In 2024 47th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO) (pp. 48-53). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/MIPRO60963.2024.10569185
  15. A. M. Ernvall-Hytönen, A. Odžak, L. Smajlović, M. Zubača, Variants of the Li-Type Criteria for the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, Association for Women in Mathematics Series, 32, 223–251 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-52163-8_8
  16. E. Huseljić, S. Odžak, A. Beganović, A. Odžak, A. Pandžić, M. Jusufbegović, Design, Manufacturing and Quality Assessment of 3D-Printed Anthropomorphic Breast Phantom for Mammography, MEDICON 2023 AND CMBEBIH 2023, vol. 1 (93), 221-231 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-49062-0_24
  17. S. Kalabušić, E. Pilav, The behavior of a host-parasitoid model with host logistic growth and proportional refuge, Int. J. Biomath. 17 (2024), no. 5, Paper No. 2350043, 46 pp. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793524523500432
  18. A. Lipkovski, M. M. Dizdarević, A. Odžak, Measuring conceptual knowledge of basic algebraic concepts, Teaching of Mathematics 27 (1) , 33-51(2024), https://doi.org/10.57016/TM-NYKZ1813
  19. N. Memić,Mahler coefficients of a certain class of compatible functions on Zp, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Math. 72 (2024), no. 1, 45–60. https://doi.org/10.4064/ba231221-5-3
  20. N. Memić, An estimate of the maximal operator of the Nörlund logarithmic means with respect to the Walsh-Paley system on the Hardy space Hp, Math. Inequal. Appl. 27 (2024), no. 3, 715–728. https://doi.org/10.7153/mia-2024-27-50
  21. N. Memić, Sead Peco, On ergodic transformations on the sphere of 2-adic units, Vietnam J. Math. 52 (2024), no. 1, 159–174. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10013-022-00581-4
  22. Muratović-Ribić, A., Applications of the multisubset sum problem over finite abelian groups. Sarajevo J. Math. 20 (33) (2024), no. 1, 95–101.
  23. Muratović-Ribić, A., Perfect Nonlinear Functions and Their Applications, In: Proceedings of the Conference on March 14 – International Day of Mathematics. Special Editions ANUBiH, Book CCXVI, OPMN Book 30, Sarajevo 2024, pp. 15–20. https://doi.org/10.5644/PI2024.216.03
  24. Selmanović, E., Mulaimović, E., Delalić, S., Kadrić, Z., & Šabanac, Z. (2024, May). Neural Network Impact on Marker Performance in Computer Vision Tasks. In 2024 47th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO) (pp. 54-59). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/MIPRO60963.2024.10569478
  25. F. Šarčević, Connectivity estimates in the homological Taylor tower for the space of reduced embeddings in R^n, In: Proceedings of the Conference on March 14 – International Day of Mathematics. Special Editions ANUBiH, Book CCXVI, OPMN Book 30, Sarajevo 2024, pp. 33–37. https://doi.org/10.5644/PI2024.216.05
  26. M. Zubača, On the boundedness of Euler-Stieltjes constants for the Rankin-Selberg L-function, Glas. Mat. Ser. III 59 (79) (2024), no. 1, 33-49. https://doi.org/10.3336/gm.59.1.02
  1. Anela Hrnjičić, Adis Alihodzic – Measuring students’ conceptual understanding of real functions: A Rasch model analysis, International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, vol. 19, no. 1, 28 Nov 2023, https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/13942
  2. Adis Alihodzic, Eva Tuba, Milan Tuba, Optimal Parameters Selection of Support Vector Machines Using Bat Algorithm, ICECCME 2023 Proceedings, IEEE Xplore, 19-21 July 2023, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICECCME57830.2023.10252635
  3. Adis Alihodzic, Eva Tuba, Milan Tuba, Adjusted Harris Hawks Optimization for the Minimum Weight Triangulation, ICECCME 2023 Proceedings, IEEE Xplore, 19-20 July, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICECCME57830.2023.10252267
  4. Adis Alihodzic, Eva Tuba, Milan Tuba, Two-Stage Algorithm For Solving Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, Numerical Methods and Applications, vol. 13858, pp. 14-25, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-32412-3_2
  5. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić and E. Pilav, Dynamics of the discrete-time Rosenzweig-MacArthur predator-prey system in the closed positively invariant set, Comput. Appl. Math. 48(8) (2023), doi:10.1007/s40314-023-02481-w.
  6. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić, E. Pilav, and A. Bilgin, Dynamics of a plant-herbivore model subject to allee effects with logistic growth of plant biomass, Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. 33 (2023), no.10, Article No. 2330026, 51 pp., https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218127423300264.
  7. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić and E. Pilav, Dynamics of a plant-herbivore system with Ricker plant growth and the strong Allee effects on plant populatio, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B (DCDS-B), AIMS, 2023, https://doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2023108.
  8. S. Kalabušić, E. Pilav, The behavior of a host-parasitoid model with host logistic growth and proportional refuge, International Journal of Biomathematics, (2023), Article No. 2350043, doi: 10.1142/S1793524523500432.
  9. S. Kalabušić, Dž. Drino, E. Pilav, Bifurcation and Stability of a Ricker Host-Parasitoid Model with a Host Constant Refuge and General Escape Function. In: Elaydi, S., Kulenović, M.R.S., Kalabušić, S. (eds) Advances in Discrete Dynamical Systems, Difference Equations and Applications. ICDEA 2021. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 416, (2023), Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25225-9_12
  10. S. Kalabušić, E. Pilav, The behavior of a class host-parasitoid models with host refuge and strong Allee effect upon the host population, Journal of Biological Systems, (2023), https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218339023500274
  11. Nacima Memić, On the L1 norm of the logarithmic kernel of Walsh–Kaczmarz Fourier series. J Anal 31, 1939–1950 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41478-022-00545-4
  12. H. Fajić, A. Beganović, S. Odžak, A. Odžak, Radiation protection and estimate of commercial aircrew effective doses in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry 199 (19) (2023), 2303-2310, https://doi.org/10.1093/rpd/ncad231
  13. Zubović, D., Kamber Hamzić, D. (2023). The Construction of Valid and Reliable Test for the Divisibility Area. Mathematics and Informatics, 66 (6), 596-606. doi: https://doi.org/10.53656/math2023-6-3-the
  1. Alihodžić, A., Chahin, M., Čunjalo, F., New Clustering Techniques of Node Embeddings Based on Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 13127 (2022), 201-208. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97549-4_23
  2. Alihodžić, A., Zvorničanin, E., Čunjalo, F., A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Forecasting Dow Jones Stock Index, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 13127 (2022), 209-216. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97549-4_24
  3. Alihodzic, Adis, Statistical measurements of metaheuristics for solving engineering problems. Recent advances in computational optimization, 1–26, Stud. Comput. Intell. 986, Springer, Cham, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82397-9_1
  4. Alihodzic, Adis; Hasanspahic, Damir; Tuba, Eva; Tuba, Milan, Application of Adjusted Differential Evolution In Optimal Sensor Placement For Interior Coverage, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 235 (2022), pp. 155–163. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2377-6_17
  5. Balašev-Samarski, A., Muzika Dizdarević, M., Zeković, S. Geometry understanding assessment based on Van Hiele theory using Comparative Judgment, The Teaching of Mathematics, Vol. XXV, 1, 1-12, http://www.teaching.math.rs/vol/tm2511.pdf
  6. Čvorak, M., Muzika Dizdarević, M. Napoleon’s Theorem from the viewpoint of Groebner bases, Matematički Vesnik, 74, 4 (2022), 289-300, http://www.vesnik.math.rs/vol/mv22407.pdf
  7. Duraković, Amra; Kamber Hamzić, Dina, Effects of Short-Term Stem Intervention on the Achievement of 9th Grade Students in Mathematics. Mathematics and Informatics 65 (2022), no. 3, 259-275. https://doi.org/10.53656/math2022-3-3-eff
  8. Duraković, Amra; Kamber Hamzić, Dina, Effects of Short-Term Stem Intervention on Students’ Attitudes Towards Stem. Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy 16 (2022), no. 1, 5-29. http://bjsep.org/index.php?page=11&volume_id=16&issue_id=2
  9. Gušić, Dženan, Gallagherian PGT on Some Compact Riemannian Manifolds of Negative Curvature. Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 45 (2022), 1669–1687. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40840-022-01273-5
  10. Hamzić, Adis; Kamber Hamzić, Dina; Avdagić, Zikrija, Rapid Assessment of the Verticality of Structural Objects with a Circular Base. In: Ademović, N., Mujčić, E., Akšamija, Z., Kevrić, J., Avdaković, S., Volić, I. (eds) Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications VI. IAT 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 316. Springer, Cham (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90055-7_41
  11. Hrnjičić, A., Alihodžić, A., Čunjalo, F., Hamzić Kamber, D., Development of an Item Bank for Measuring Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Real Functions, European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 10 (2022), no. 4, 455-470. https://doi.org/10.30935/scimath/12222
  12. Kalabušić, S.; Pilav, E., Bifurcations, permanence and local behavior of the plant-herbivore model with logistic growth of plant biomass. Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst. 21 (2022), no. 2, Paper No. 26, 45 pp. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12346-022-00561-6
  13. Kalabušić, Senada; Pilav, Esmir, Global behaviour of a class of discrete epidemiological SI models with constant recruitment of susceptibles. J. Difference Equ. Appl. 28 (2022), no. 2, 259–288. https://doi.org/10.1080/10236198.2022.2042277
  14. Kalabušić, Senada; Pilav, Esmir, Stability of May's host-parasitoid model with variable stocking upon parasitoids. Int. J. Biomath. 15 (2022), no. 2, Paper No. 2150072, 22 pp. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793524521500728
  15. Kamber Hamzić, Dina; Zubović, Daniela; Šćeta, Lamija, Comparison of the learning outcomes in online and in-class environments in the divisibility lessons. Int. Elect. J. Math. Ed. 17 (2022), no. 4, em0714. https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/12473
  16. Memić, Nacima, An Estimate of the Maximal Operator of the Nörlund Logarithmic Means with Respect to the Character System of the Group of 2-adic Integers on the Hardy Space H1, Bull. Iran. Math. Soc. 48 (2022), no. 6, 3381–3391. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41980-022-00701-3
  17. Memić, Nacima, Mahler Coefficients of Some 3-adic Ergodic Functions, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 47 (2022), no. 3, 597–610. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40306-021-00436-z
  18. Memić, Nacima, Peco Sead, On Ergodic Transformations on the Sphere of 2-Adic Units, Vietnam J. Math. (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10013-022-00581-4
  19. Memić, Nacima, Peco Sead, Some properties of Mahler coefficients of the -adic shift, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Math. 70 (2022), no. 1, 35-51. https://doi.org/10.4064/ba211118-31-3
  20. Memić, Nacima; Muminović Huremović, Jasmina On some classes of 1-Lipschitz measure-preserving ergodic functions on Zp. Asian-Eur. J. Math. 15 (2022), no. 9, Paper No. 2250167, 17 pp. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793557122501674
  21. Muzika Dizdarević, M.; Živaljević, R.T. Hamiltonian surfaces in the 4-cube, 4-bit Gray codes and Venn diagrams, Publications de l’Institut Mathematique, 111 (125), (2022), 17–40. DOI: 10.2298/PIM2225017M
  22. Pečenković, Amil, On Decomposition of the Dirichlet kernel on Vilenkin groups, Sarajevo J. Math. 18 (2022), no. 2, 257-264.
  23. Skaka-Čekić, Fatima; Husić Baraković, Jasmina; Odžak, Almasa; Hadžialić, Mesud; Huremović, Adnan; Šehić, Kenan, Dimensionality reduction of independent influence factors in the objective evaluation of quality of experience. Sci Rep 12, 10320 (2022), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-13803-z
  24. Smajlović, Lejla; Šabanac, Zenan; Šćeta, Lamija, On the Generalized Tribonacci Zeta Function. Fibonacci Quart. 60 (2022), no. 5, 344–354. https://www.fq.math.ca/60-5.html
  25. Smajlović, Lejla; Šabanac, Zenan; Šćeta, Lamija, On the Hurwitz-Type Zeta Function Associated to the Lucas Sequence. Fibonacci Quart. 60 (2022), no. 5, 355–371. https://www.fq.math.ca/60-5.html
  26. Teskeredžić, A., Bratanović, S., Mehmedinović, S., Begić, H., Nurković, H., The influence of the individual educational-rehabilitation program on the motor coordination of students with visual impairment, Research in Education and Rehabilitation 5 (2022), no. 1, 17-29, http://erf.untz.ba/web/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/July-2022-51.pdf
  27. Tuba, E., Tuba, I., Hrosik, R.C., Alihodzic, A., Tuba, M., Image Classification by Optimized Convolution Neural Networks, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 434 (2022), 447-454. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-1122-4_47
  28. Tuba, Eva; Alihodzic, Adis; Tuba, Una; Capor Hrosik, Romana; Tuba, Milan, Swarm Intelligence Approach for Feature Selection Problem, 10th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security, ISDFS 2022. https://doi.org/10.1109/ISDFS55398.2022.9800815
  29. Žunić, E., Delalić, S., Đonko, D., Adaptive multi-phase approach for solving the realistic vehicle routing problems in logistics with innovative comparison method for evaluation based on real GPS data, Transportation Letters 14 (2022), no. 2, 143-156. https://doi.org/10.1080/19427867.2020.1824311
  30. Žunić, E., Delalić, S., Đonko, D., Šupić, H., Two-phase Approach for Solving the Rich Vehicle Routing Problem Based on Firefly Algorithm Clustering, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 235 (2022), 253-262. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2377-6_25
  1. Alihodzic A. Statistical Measurements of Metaheuristics for Solving Engineering Problems. Recent Advances in Computational Optimization. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 986.
  2. Alihodzic A., Hasanspahic D., Cunjalo F., Smajlovic H. (2021) Adjusted Bare Bones Fireworks Algorithm to Guard Orthogonal Polygons. In: Arai K. (eds) Intelligent Computing. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 284.
  3. Alihodzic A., Hasanspahic D., Tuba E., Tuba M. (2022) Application of Adjusted Differential Evolution in Optimal Sensor Placement for Interior Coverage. In: Yang XS., Sherratt S., Dey N., Joshi A. (eds) Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 235.
  4. Delalić S, Žunić E, Alihodžić A, Selmanović E. A Discrete Bat Algorithm for the Rich Vehicle Routing Problem. In2021 44th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) 2021. IEEE.
  5. Žunić E, Hodžić K, Delalić S, Hasić H, Handfield RB, Cooperative NC. Application of Data Science in Supply Chain Management: Real-World Case Study in Logistics. InData Science and Its Applications 2021 Aug 17 (pp. 205-237). Boca Raton and London: CRC Press.
  6. Zunic E, Korjenic K, Delalic S, Subara Z. Comparison Analysis of Facebook's Prophet, Amazon's DeepAR+ and CNN-QR Algorithms for Successful Real-World Sales Forecasting. arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.00694. 2021 May 3.
  7. Muzika Dizdarević M, Zeković S, Bašić A.Razumijevanje geometrije i van Hileovi nivoi. Nastava matematike.(2021); LXVI_1-2:22-29.
  8. Bigdeli, M., De Negri, E., Muzika Dizdarevic,M., Gorla,E., Minko, R.,Tsakou S., Semi-Regular Sequences and Other Random Systems of Equations, Women in Numbers Europe III, 75-114. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77700-5_3
  9. Amela Muratović-Ribić, On generalized strong complete mapping and mutually orthogonal Latin squares, ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA, 2021, 21(2):2-9 pages 2-9
  10. Avdispahić, M. Effective bounds for Huber's constant and Faltings's delta function. Mathematics of Computation. 2021, 90 (331): 2381-2414.
  11. Avdispahić, M. On von Koch theorem for PSL(2,Z). Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 2021 Jul; 44(4): 2139-2150.
  12. Avdispahić, M. The Bosnian Mathematical Society and the mathematical life in Bosnia and Herzegovina. European Mathematical Society Magazine. 2021 Dec; 122: 52-54.
  13. Bektešević, J., Hadžiabdić, V., Kalabušić, S., Mehuljić M. and Pilav E., Dynamics of a class of host–parasitoid models with external stocking upon parasitoids. Adv Differ Equ 2021, 31 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-020-03193-9
  14. S Kalabušić, MRS Kulenović, M Mehuljić, Global Dynamics of Monotone Second Order Difference Equation, Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, 2021
  15. Gušić Dž. Correction: Gušić, D. Prime Geodesic Theorems for Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces of Real Rank One. Mathematics 2020, 8, 1762. Mathematics. 2021 9(7):710
  16. M. R. S. Kulenović, Connor O'Loughlin and Esmir Pilav, The Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and global stability of perturbation of sigmoid Beverton-Holt difference equation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2021, (accepted)
  17. Memić N, Muminović Huremović J. On some classes of 1-Lipschitz measure-preserving ergodic functions on ℤ p. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics. 2021 Dec 9:2250167.
  18. Memic N, Pecenkovic A. DIFFERENCE OPERATOR AND DERIVATIVE ON THE DYADIC FIELD, Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 10 (2021), https://doi.org/10.37418/amsj.10.10.4
  19. Memic N, Peco S. MAHLER COEFFICIENTS OF THE 2-ADIC SHIFT, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, No. 67/2021, pp. 61-67, doi: 10.17114/j.aua.2021.67.06
  20. Memić N. Dynamics of some 2-adic isometric transformations. Research in Number Theory. 2021 Sep;7(3):1-6.
  21. Memić N. Mahler Coefficients of Some 3-adic Ergodic Functions. Acta Mathematica Vietnamica. 2021 Jun 4:1-4.
  23. Nesimovic S, Gusic Dz. Fuzzy Functional and Multivalued Dependencies for Frank’s Class of Additive Generators. Int. J of circuits, systems and signal processing. 2021 15: 8-22
  24. Odžak A, Zubača M. On the Discretized Li Coefficients for a Certain Class of $$ L-$$ L-Functions. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 2021 May 12:1-27.
  25. Senada Kalabušić, Esmir Pilav, Stability of May’s Host–Parasitoid model with variable stocking upon parasitoids, International Journal of Biomathematics, https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793524521500728, 2021;
  1. Dž. Gušić, A. Alihodžić and S. Nesimović, On Some Applications of h-generated Fuzzy Implications, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 15 (2020), 490-507.
  2. Adis Alihodzic, Damir Hasanspahic, Eva Tuba and Milan Tuba, Application of Adjusted Differential Evolution In Optimal Sensor Placement For Interior Coverage, 6th International Congress, ICICT 2021, London, United Kingdom, February 25-25, 2021, Accepted.
  3. Adis Alihodzic, Damir Hasanspahic, Fikret Cunjalo and Haris Smajlovic, Adjusted Bare Bones Fireworks Algorithm To Guard Orthogonal Polygons, Computing Conference, 2021, London, United Kingdom, 15-15 July, 2021, Accepted.
  4. M. Avdispahić and Z. Šabanac, Gallagherian prime geodesic theorem in higher dimensions, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 43 (2020), no. 4, 3019-3026. https: //doi.org/10.1007/s40840-019-00849-y
  5. Nicolas Comte, Benoit Morel, Damir Hasić, Laurent Guéguen, Bastien Boussau, Vincent Daubin, Simon Penel, Celine Scornavacca, Manolo Gouy, Alexandros Stamatakis, Eric Tannier, David P Parsons, Treerecs: an integrated phylogenetic tool, from sequences to reconciliations, Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 18, 15 September 2020, Pages 4822–4824, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa615
  6. Ernvall-Hytonen, Anne-Maria; Odžak, Almasa; Smajlović, Lejla, On a class of periodic Dirichlet series with functional equation. Math. Commun. 25 (2020), no. 1, 35–47
  7. M. Avdispahić, On von Koch theorem for PSL(2,Z), Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.(2020) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40840-020-01053-z
  8. M. Avdispahić, A prime geodesic theorem of Gallagher type for Riemann surfaces, Anal. Math. 46 (2020), no. 1, 25-38. DOI: 10.1007/s10476-020-0013-2
  9. Dž. Gušić, On Generalized Length Spectrum in Quotients of SL4, Journal of Physics 1564 (2020), 012023, 1-15.
  10. B. Schreiner, F. Šarčević, I. Volić, Low stages of the Taylor tower for r-immersions, Involve, A Journal of Mathematics 13 (2020), no. 1, 51–75
  11. Dž. Gušić, On the Error Term in the Prime Geodesic Theorem for SL4, Journal of Physics 1564 (2020), 012022, 1-14.
  12. Dž. Gušić, On the Remainder in the Weighted Length Spectrum for Strictly Hyperbolic Fuchsian Groups, Journal of Physics 1564 (2020), 012015, 1-8.
  13. Dž. Gušić, On Asymptotic Behavior of Zeta Singularities for Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces, WSEAS Trans. on Math. 19 (2020), 463-474.
  14. Dž. Gušić, A. Alihodžić and S. Nesimović, On Some Applications of h-generated Fuzzy Implications, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 15 (2020), 490-507.
  15. Dž. Gušić, Prime Geodesic Theorems for Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces of Real Rank One, Mathematics8 (2020), 1762, 1-15.
  16. Dž. Gušić, On Some Classical and Weighted Estimates for SL4, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 15 (2020), 39-46.
  17. Dž. Gušić, On the Error Terms of Chebyshev Functions for SL4, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 15 (2020), 57-63.
  18. Dž. Gušić, On Some Higher Order Counting Functions for PSL(2,R), WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 15 (2020), 73-80.
  19. Dž. Gušić, Approximate Formulas for Zeta Functions of Selberg’s Type in Quotients of SL4, Int. J. Of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 14 (2020), 21-27.
  20. Dž. Gušić, On the Prime Geodesic Theorem for SL4, Int. J. Of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 14 (2020), 42-48.
  21. Dž. Gušić, Continuous Functions, g-Generated Implications and Fuzzy Dependencies in Fuzzy Relation Instances, IEEE, (2020), 98-109.
  22. S. Nesimović and Dž. Gušić, Klir-Yuan Fuzzy Implication in Fuzzy Relations, IEEE, (2020), 163-169.
  23. Dž. Gušić, Z. Šabanac, and S. Nesimović, On Soundness of Various Inference Rules for Vague Functional Dependencies, IEEE, (2020), 182-188.
  24. Dž. Gušić, Z. Šabanac, and S. Nesimović, On Certain Properties of Vague Relational Databases, IEEE, (2020), 195-201
  25. Emir Žunić, Dženana Đonko, Haris Šupić, Sead Delalić, Cluster-based approach for successful solving real-world vehicle routing problems, In 2020 15th Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), pp. 619-626. IEEE, 2020.
  26. Emir Žunic, Amar Kurić, Sead Delalić, Improving unloading time prediction for Vehicle Routing Problem based on GPS data, In Position Papers of the 2020 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, p. 45
  27. Nacima Memić, Mahler coefficients of 1-Lipschiz measure-preserving functions on Zp, Int. J. Number Theory, 16, No. 6. (2020), 1247-1261
  28. Nacima Memić and Jasmina Muminović Huremović, Ergodic Uniformly Differentiable Functions Modulo p on Zp, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Analysis and Applications 12(1) (2020), 49-59
  29. Nacima Memić, Mahler coefficients of locally scaling transformations on $\mathbb{Z}_{p}, Colloq. Math.162, No1, (2020), 53-76.
  30. Nacima Memić and Samra Sadiković, Maximal Operators and Characterization of Hardy Spaces, Analysis Mathematica 46(1) (2020) :119-131
  31. Nacima Memić, Mahler Coefficients of Uniformly Differentiable Functions Modulo p, IInt. J. Number Theory, 16, No.9 (2020), 2113-2127
  32. Nacima Memić and Amil Pečenković, On the L_1 norm of the Dirichlet kernel on the group of 2-adic integers, Acta Universitatis Apulensis 63, (2020) :123-130
  33. Nacima Memić, Notes on ergodic 2-adic transformations, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 12 (2020), 297-309
  34. S. KalabušićDž. Drino and E. Pilav, Period-doubling and Neimark-Sacker bifurcations of a Beddington host-parasitoid model with a host refuge effect, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2020 (to appear).
  35. M.R.S. Kulenović, Naida Mujić and Esmir Pilav, Period-Doubling and Naimark-Sacker Bifurcations of Certain Second Order Quadratic Fractional Difference Equations, International Journal of Difference Equations, Volume 15, Number 1 (2020) pages 121-152.
  36. Emin Bešo. Naida Mujić, Senada Kalabušić and Esmir Pilav, Basin of attraction of the fixed point and period-two solutions of a certain anti-competitive map, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 28(1):24-34, 2020.
  37. E. BešoS. Kalabušić, N. Mujić and E. Pilav, Stability of a certain class of a host-parasitoid models with a spatial refuge effect, Journal of Biological Dynamics, (2020), 14:1, 1-31, DOI: 10.1080/17513758.2019.1692916
  38. S. KalabušićDž. Drino and E. Pilav, Global behavior and bifurcation in a class of host-parasitoid models with a constant host refuge, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 19, Article number: 66 (2020).
  39. E. BešoS. Kalabušić, N. Mujić and E. Pilav, Boundedness of solutions and stability of certain second-order difference equation with quadratic term,  Advances in Difference Equations, 2020, 19 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-019-2490-9.
  40. A. Alihodzic, S. Delalic and D. Hasic, “An Exact Two-Phase Method For Optimal Camera Placement In Art Gallery Problem,” 2020 15th Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), IEEE, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020, pp. 215-222, doi: 10.15439/2020F79.
  41. A. Alihodzic, S. Delalic and D. Gusic, “An Effective Integrated Metaheuristic Algorithm For Solving Engineering Problems,” 2020 15th Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), IEEE, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020, pp. 207-214, doi: 10.15439/2020F81.
  42. Tuba E., Capor Hrosik R., Alihodzic A., Jovanovic R., Tuba M. (2020) Support Vector Machine Optimized by Fireworks Algorithm for Handwritten Digit Recognition. In: Simian D., Stoica L. (eds) Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems. MDIS 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1126. Springer, Cham
  43. Sabanac Zenan and Sceta Lamija; The heat kernel of a weighted Maass-Laplacian with real weights, Albanian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 14. (2020), No. 1, 25-35.
  44. M. Avdispahić and F. Zejnulahi, An integer sequence with a divisibility property, Fibonacci Quart. 58 (2020), no. 4, 321-327.
  45. M. Avdispahić, Prime geodesic theorem for the modular surface, Hacet. J. Math. Stat. 49 (2020), no. 2, 505-509. https://doi.org/10.15672/ hujms.568323
  46. S. Delalić, E. Žunić, A. Alihodžić and E. Selmanović, “The Order Batching Concept Implemented In Real Smart Warehouse,” 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, 2020, pp. 1685-1690, doi: 10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245256.
  47. S. Delalić, A. Alihodžić, M. Tuba, E. Selmanović and D. Hasić, “Discrete Bat Algorithm for Event Planning optimization,” 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, 2020, pp. 1085-1090, doi: 10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245276.
  48. Žunić, Emir & Tucaković, Zlatan & Delalić, Sead & Hasić, Haris & Hodžić, Kerim. (2020). Innovative Multi-Step Anomaly Detection Algorithm with Real-World Implementation: Case Study in Supply Chain Management. (2020 IEEE / ITU International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Good, Geneva, Switzerland) (prihvaćen za objavljivanje)
  49. Zunic, Emir & Hasic, Haris & Delalic, Sead. (2020). Strategic Approach for the Integration of Routing-based Tasks in Warehouse Management Information Systems. (prihvaćen za objavljivanje)
  50. Cogo, Emir & Žunić, Emir & Beširević, Admir & Delalić, Sead & Hodžić, Kerim. (2020). Position based visualization of real world warehouse data in a smart warehouse management system, pp. 1-6 (INFOTEH-JAHORINA, IEEE)
  51. D. Kamber Hamzić, Z. Šabanac, Two plane geometry problems approached through analytic geometry, Math. Gaz. 104 (2020), no. 560, 255–261.
  52. A.Muratović-Ribić, S. Surdulli, On strong complete monomials and its multiplicative analogue over finite fields, Sarajevo J. Math. 16(29) (2020), no. 1, 137–144.
  1. N. Cepak, E. Pasalic, A. Muratović-Ribić, Frobenius linear translators giving rise to new infinite classes of permutations and bent functions, Cryptogr. Commun. 11 (2019), no. 6, 1275–1295.
  2. Adis Alihodzic, Eva Tuba, Milan Tuba, An Improved Extreme Learning Machine Tuning by Flower Pollination Algorithm, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 855, 4 September, 2019.
  3. Dž. Gušić, Soundness and Completeness of Inference Rules for New Vague Functional Dependencies, MATEC Web of Conferences 292 (2019), 1-9.
  4. Dž. Gušić, Soundness of Inference Rules for New Vague Multivalued Dependencies, MATEC Web of Conferences 292 (2019), 1-7.
  5. Dž. Gušić, Prime Geodesic Theorem for Compact Riemann Surfaces, Int. J. Of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 13 (2019), 747-753.
  6. F. Šarčević, I. Volić, A streamlined proof of the convergence of the Taylor tower for embeddings in RnColloq. Math. 156 (2019), no. 1, 91-122.
  7. F. Šarčević, A. Bolić and I. Volić, Toward finite models for the stages of the Taylor tower for embeddings of the 2-sphere, Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications IV, Springer (2019), 1-13
  8. A. Odžak, L. Šćeta, “An application of a special form of a Tauberian theorem”, Contemporary Mathematics 732 (2019) 187-194
  9. A. Odžak, L. Šćeta, “On the zeros of some L functions from the extended Selberg class”, Contemporary Mathematics 732 (2019) 195-206
  10. Harvey, C., SelmanovićE., O’Connor, J. et al. A comparison between expert and beginner learning for motor skill development in a virtual reality serious game, Vis Comput (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-019-01702-w
  11. S. KalabušićE. Bešo, N. Mujić and E. Pilav, Stability analysis of a certain class of difference equations by using KAM theory, Advances in Difference Equations, 2019(1) DOI: 10.1186/s13662-019-2148-7..
  12. E. BešoS. Kalabušić, N. Mujić and E. Pilav, “Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and stability of a certain class of a host-parasitoid models with a host refuge effect”,  International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 29(12), 2019, DOI: 10.1142/S0218127419501694
  13. Vanes Mešić, Knut Neumann, Ivica Aviani, Elvedin Hasović, William J. Boone, Nataša Erceg, Vladimir Grubelnik, Ana Sušac, Džana Salibašić Glamočić, Marin Karuza, Andrej Vidak, Adis Alihodžić, and Robert Repnik, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 15, 010115 – Published 25 February 2019
  14. Hasić, D., Tannier, E. Gene tree reconciliation including transfers with replacement is NP-hard and FPT, J Comb Optim 38 (2019), 502–544. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-019-00396-z
  15. Hasić, D., Tannier, E. Gene tree species tree reconciliation with gene conversion, J. Math. Biol. 78 (2019), 1981–2014. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00285-019-01331-w
  16. M. R. S. Kulenović, E. Pilav and N. Mujić, Birkhoff Normal Forms, KAM theory and continua of periodic points for certain planar system, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, VOL. 27, NO.3, 2019.
  17. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, On the logarithmic derivative of zeta functions for compact even-dimesional locally symmetric spaces of real rank one, Math. Slovaca 69 (2019), no. 2, 311-320.
  18. Milad Moazami Goodarzi, Mahdi Hormozi and Nacima Memić, Embedding of generalized Wiener classes into Lipschitz spaces, Math. Inequal. Appl. 22, No. 1, 291-296 (2019)
  19. Nacima Memić, On some compatible functions on the set of 3-adic integers, Colloq. Math. 155, No. 2, 197-214 (2019)
  20. Zunic Emir, Haris Haris, Delalić Sead. (2020). Strategic Development, Improvement and Integration of Representative Routing in Warehouse Management Information Systems.(ICCMB2020, Tokyo, Japan) (prihvaćen za objavljivanje)
  21. Zunic Emir, Delalić Sead, Hodžić Kerim, Tucaković Zlatan. (2019). Innovative GPS Data Anomaly Detection Algorithm inspired by QRS Complex Detection Algorithms in ECG Signals. 1-6. 10.1109/EUROCON.2019.8861619.(EUROCON 2019, Novi Sad, Serbia)
  22. Zunic Emir, Tucaković, Zlatan Hodžić, Kerim, Delalić Sead. (2019). Multi-level Generalized Clustering Approach and Algorithm for Anomaly Detection in Internal Banking Payment Systems. 1-6. 10.1109/EUROCON.2019.8861903.(EUROCON 2019, Novi Sad, Serbia)
  23. Zunic, Emir, Delalić Sead, Tucaković Zlatan, Hodžić, Kerim, Beširević, Admir. (2019). Innovative Modular Approach based on Vehicle Routing Problem and Ant Colony Optimization for Order Splitting in Real Warehouses. 125-129. 10.15439/2019F196.(FEDCSIS 2019, Leipzig, Germany)
  24. Delalić SeadAlihodžić Adis, Selmanović Elmedin. (2019).Innovative Usage of Online Platforms Analytics on Event Planning based on the Genetic Algorithm with Greedy Approach.  (ICAT 2019, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  25. Delalić Sead, Chahin, Malek, Alihodžić Adis. (2019). Optimal City Selection and Concert Tour Planning Based on Heuristic Optimization Methods and the Use of Social Media Analytics. (ICAT 2019, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  26. Dž. Gušić, On the Logarithmic Derivative of Zeta Functions for Compact, Odd-dimensional Hyperbolic Spaces, WSEAS Trans. On Math. 18 (2019), 176-184.
  27. Dž. Gušić, On the Logarithmic Prime Geodesic Theorem, WSEAS Trans. On Math. 18 (2019), 185-196.
  28. Dž. Gušić, On the Length Spectrum for Compact, Odd-dimensional, Real Hyperbolic Spaces, WSEAS Trans. On Math. 18 (2019), 211-222.
  29. Dž. Gušić, Vague Multivalued Dependencies and Resolution Principle, WSEAS Trans. On Math. 18 (2019), 257-263.
  30. Dž. Gušić, Vague Functional Dependencies and Resolution Principle, WSEAS Trans. On Math. 18 (2019), 288-294.
  31. Dž. Gušić, Completeness of Inference Rules for New Vague Multivalued Dependencies, WSEAS Trans. On Math. 18 (2019), 295-306.
  32. Dž. Gušić, On Fuzzy Dependencies and g-Generated Fuzzy Implications in Fuzzy Relations, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 14 (2019), 71-89.
  33. Dž. Gušić, On Completeness of Inference Rules for Vague Functional and Vague Multivalued Dependencies in Two-Element Vague Relations Instances, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 14 (2019), 232-238.
  34.  Dž. Gušić and Sanela Nesimović, New Vague Dependencies as a Result of Automatization, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 14 (2019), 419-436.
  35. Dž. Gušić and S. Nesimović, Automatization in Vague Database Relations via Lukasiewicz Fuzzy Implication Operator, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 14 (2019), 445-459.
  36. A.Odžak, L. Šćeta, On the Weyl law for quantum graphs, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 42 (2019), no. 1, 119–131.
  37. M. Avdispahić, Errata and addendum to “On the prime geodesic theorem for hyperbolic $3$-manifolds” Math. Nachr. 291 (2018), no. 14-15, 2160-2167, Math. Nachr. 292 (2019), no. 4, 691-693.
  1. N. Anbar, A. Odžak, V. Patel, L. Quoos, A. Somoza, A. Topuzoğlug, “On the Carlitz rank of permutation polynomials over finite fields: recent developments”, In: I.I. Bouw, E. Ozman, J. Johnson-Leung, R. Newton, editors, Women in Numbers Europe II, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2018, 39-56
  2. Adis Alihodzic, Eva Tuba, Dana Simian, Viktor Tuba, Milan Tuba, “Extreme Learning Machines for Data Classification Tuning by Improved Bat Algorithm”, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2018.
  3. Emir Žunić, Harun Hindija, Admir Beširević, Kerim Hodžić, and Sead Delalić. “Improving Performance of Vehicle Routing Algorithms using GPS Data.” In 2018 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2018.
  4. Emir Žunić, Sead Delalić, Kerim Hodžić, Admir Beširević, and Harun Hindija. “Smart Warehouse Management System Concept with Implementation.” In 2018 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2018.
  5. N. Dukić, Dž. Gušić, A. Muratović-Ribić, A. Alihodžić, E. Tabak and H. Dukić, From fuzzy dependences to fuzzy formulas and vice versa, for Kleene-Dienes fuzzy implication operator, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control, 13 (2018), 285-297
  6.  Dž. Gušić, Prime geodesic theorem for compact even-dimensional locally symmetric Riemannian manifolds of strictly negative sectional curvature, WSEAS Trans. on Math. 17 (2018), 188-196.
  7. Dž. Gušić, Continuous Maps in Fuzzy Relations, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 13 (2018), 324-344.
  8. Dž. Gušić, A Weighted Generalized Prime Geodesic Theorem, WSEAS Trans. on Math. 17 (2018), 237-251.
  9. C. Harvey, E. Selmanovic, J. O'Connor and M. Chahin, “Validity of Virtual Reality Training for Motor Skill Development in a Serious Game,” 2018 10th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games), Würzburg, Germany, 2018, pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1109/VS-Games.2018.8493447
  10. Selmanovic, E., Rizvic, S., Harvey, C., Boskovic, D., Hulusic, V., Chahin, M. and Sljivo, S. , ” VR Video Storytelling for Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservatio,” 2018 16th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (EG GCH) Vienna, Austria, November 12-15, 2018.
  11. E. Zunic, H. Hasic, K. Hodzic, S. Delalic and A. Besirevic, “Predictive analysis based approach for optimal warehouse product positioning,” 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, 2018, pp. 0950-0954. doi: 10.23919/MIPRO.2018.8400174
  12. E. Žunić, A. BeširevićS. Delalić, K. Hodžić and H. Hasić, “A generic approach for order picking optimization process in different warehouse layouts,” 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, 2018, pp. 1000-1005. doi: 10.23919/MIPRO.2018.8400183
  13. Nacima Memić, Sets of minimality of (1-1)-rational functions,  p-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 10  (2018), , No. 3, pp. 209–221.
  14. Samir Ribić, Razija Turčinhodžić, Amela Muratović-Ribić, Tomaž Kosar, A readable domain-specific language for timetabling requirements definition, Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, Volume 54, Pages 252-272 , 2018
  15. Alihodzic A., Smajlovic H., Tuba E., Capor Hrosik R., Tuba M. (2019) Adjusted Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for the Minimum Weight Triangulation. In: Yadav N., Yadav A., Bansal J., Deep K., Kim J. (eds) Harmony Search and Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 741, pp. 305-317, 2018, Springer, Singapore
  16. Adis Alihodzic, Damir Hasic, Elmedin Selmanovic, An Effective Guided Fireworks Algorithm for Solving UCAV Path Planning Problem, 9th International Conference Numerical Methods and Applications (NMA2018), August 20 – 24, 2018, Borovets, Bulgaria, Accepted paper
  17. Eva Tuba, Raka Jovanovic, Romana Capor-Hrosik, Adis Alihodzic and Milan Tuba: Web Intelligence Data Clustering by Bare Bone Fireworks Algorithm Combined with K-Means, WIMS ‘18 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, DOI: 10.1145/3227609.3227650, Novi Sad, Serbia, June, 25-27, 2018
  18. Eva Tuba, Romana Capor-Hrosik, Adis Aihodzic, Marko Beko, Raka Jovanovic: Moth Search Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization Problems, 5th International Conference Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems (MDIS 2017), Sibiu, Romania, June, 23-25, 2018, pp. 82-91
  19. Eva Tuba, Ira Tuba, Diana Dolicanin-Djekic, Adis Alihodžić and Milan Tuba: Efficient Drone Placement for Wireless Sensor Networks Coverage by Bare Bones Fireworks Algorithm, IEEE 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS 2018), Antalya, Turkey, March, 22-25, 2018
  20. A-M. Ernvall-Hytonen, A. Odžak, M. Sušić, On Asymptotic Behavior of Generalized Li Coefficients, Taiwanese J. Math. 22 (2018), no. 6, 1321–1346. DOI: 10.11650/tjm/180407, 2018
  21. N. Anbar, A. Odžak, V. Patel, L. Quoos, A. Somoza, A. Topuzoğlug, “On the difference between permutation polynomials”, Finite Fields Appl. 49 (2018) 132–142
  22. Wandrille Duchemin, Guillaume Gence, Anne-Muriel Arigon Chifolleau, Lars Arvestad, Mukul S Bansal, Vincent Berry, Bastien Boussau, François Chevenet, Nicolas Comte, Adrián A Davín, Christophe Dessimoz, David Dylus, Damir Hasic, Diego Mallo, Rémi Planel, David Posada, Celine Scornavacca, Gergely Szöllősi, Louxin Zhang, Éric Tannier, Vincent Daubin, RecPhyloXML: a format for reconciled gene trees, Bioinformatics, Volume 34, Issue 21, 01 November 2018, Pages 3646–3652, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty389
  23. A.Muratović-Ribić, E. Pašalić, On derivatives of planar mappings and their connections to complete mappings. Discrete Appl. Math. 250 (2018), 285–290.
  24. Eva Tuba, Romana Capor-Hrosik, Adis Alihodzic, Raka Jovanovic, Milan Tuba, “Chaotic elephant herding optimization algorithm”, In: Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 16th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), Feb. 7-10, 2018, Kosice, Slovakia,¸IEEE, pp. 213-216, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4772-1, DOI: 10.1109/SAMI.2018.8324842
  25. F. Čunjalo, Some characterization of lacunary uniform statisticac convergence of double sequences, Res. Comm. Math. Math. Sci. 10(1) (2018), 1-12.
  26. F. Čunjalo, Characterization in terms of measure of lacunary uniform statistical convergence of double sequences, Res. Comm. Math. Math. Sci. 10(1) (2018), 25-40.
  27. F. Čunjalo, Uniform statistical convergence of double subsequences, Bulletin of imvi, 8(2) (2018) 337-344.
  28. F. Destović, I. Kalčo &F. Čunjalo, Differential operator Sturm-Liouville type on the segment,[0, π] with variable delay, Ind. J. Appl. Res. ( prihvačen za objavljivanje u februaru, 2018. godine).
  29. A. Bilgin, M.R.S. Kulenović, A. Brett and E. Pilav,  Global Dynamics of Cooperative Discrete System in the Plane, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 28, No. 7 (2018) 1830022 (17 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S0218127418300227
  30. N. Dukić, Dž. Gušić and N. Kajmović, On equivalences between fuzzy dependencies and fuzzy formulas’ satisfiability for Yager's fuzzy implication operator, WSEAS Trans. On Math. 17 (2018), 35-43.
  31. N Dukić, Dž. Gušić and N. Kajmović, Reichenbach and f-generated implications in fuzzy database relations, Int. J. Of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 12 (2018), 285-297.
  32. Eva Tuba, Romana Capor-Hrosik, Adis Alihodzic and Milan Tuba, Drone Placement for Optimal Coverage by Brain Storm Optimization Algorithm, Hybrid Intelligent Systems, International Conference on Health Information Science HIS 2017, vol. 734, pp. 167-176, isbn: 978-3-319-76350-7, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76351-4_17, Springer, Cham.
  33. S. Kalabušić, N. Mujić and E. Pilav, The Invariant Curve in a Planar System of Difference Equations, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications, 2018 (prihvaćen za objavljivanje)
  34. M. Avdispahić, On Koyama's refinement of the prime geodesic theorem, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 94 (2018), no. 3, 21-24.
  35. M. Avdispahić, On the prime geodesic theorem for hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Math. Nachr. 291 (2018), no. 14-15, 2160-2167. doi: 10.1002/mana201700190
  36. Adis Alihodzic, Training Feed-Forward Neural Networks Employing Improved Bat Algorithm for Digital Image Compression. In: Lirkov I., Margenov S. (eds) Large-Scale Scientific Computing. LSSC 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 10665, pp. 315-323, issn: 978-3-319-73441-5, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-73441-5_33, Springer, Cham.
  37. Adis Alihodzic, Eva Tuba, Romana Capor-Hrosik, Edin Dolicanin, Milan Tuba, Unmanned aerial vehicle path planning problem by adjusted elephant herding optimization, In: Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Telecommunications Forum Telfor (TELFOR’17), 21-22 November 2017, Belgrade, Serbia, IEEE, pp. 804-807, DOI10.1109/TELFOR.2017. 8249468.
  38. Senada Kalabušić, Mehmed Nurkanović and Zehra Nurkanović, Global Dynamics of Certain Mix-monotone Difference Equations, Mathematics, Special Issue ”Advances in Differential and Difference Equations with Applications”, 2018 (accepted for publication)
  39. Nacima Memić, Amil Pečenković, Difference operator and derivative on the dyadic field, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogiace Nyíregyháziensis (AMAPN), 34(1), 2018.
  40. M. Avdispahić, Gallagherian PGT on PSL(2,Z), Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 58 (2018), no. 2, 207-213. doi: 10.7169/facm/1686
  41. A. Pott, E. Pašalić, A. Muratović-Ribić, S. Bajrić, On the maximum number of bent components of vectorial functions, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 64 (2018), no. 1, 403–411.
  1. E Eydi, D Medjedovic, E Mekic, E Selmanovic, Buffered Count-Min Sketch, International Symposium on Innovative and Interdisciplinary Applications of Advanced Technologies Pages 249-255, Springer, Cham
  2. F. Čunjalo& F. Destović, Subsequence characterization of uniform statistical convergence of double sequence, Res. Comm. Math. Math. Sci. 9(1) (2017), 37-50.
  3. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, Prime geodesic theorem for compact even-dimensional locally symmetric spaces of real rank one, NAUN Internat. J. Pure Math. 4 (2017), 26-36.
  4. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, On the length spectrum for compact locally symmetric spaces of real rank one, WSEAS Trans. Math. 16 (2017), 303-321.
  5. Alexander Pott, Enes Pasalic, Amela Muratović-Ribić and Samed Bajrić, On the Maximum Number of Bent Components of Vectorial FunctionsIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, DOI:10.1109/TIT.2017.2749421
  6. J. Bektešević, M.R.S. Kulenović, E.Pilav, Global Dynamics of the General Second Order Difference Equation in the First Quadrant, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 2017 (prihvaćen za objavljivanje)
  7. Alexander Pott, Enes Pasalic, Amela Muratović-Ribić and Samed Bajrić , On the Maximum Number of Bent Components of Vectorial Functions IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, 2017 (prihvaćen za objavljivanje)
  8. D. Kamber and Dj. Takači, On problematic aspects in learning trigonometry, Internat. J. Math. Ed. Sci. Tech. 49 (2018), no.2, 161-175. DOI: 10.1080/0020739X.2017.1357846
  9. Adis Alihodžić, Eva Tuba, Milan Tuba, An Upgraded Bat Algorithm for Tuning Extreme Learning Machines for Data Classification, In: Proceedings of the Conference: the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, GECCO ’17 Companion, Berlin, Germany, July, 2017, pp. 125-126, DOI: 10.1145/3067695.3076088.
  10. Eva Tuba, Adis Alihodžić, Milan Tuba, Multilevel image thresholding using elephant herding optimization algorithm, In: Proceedings of 2017 14th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES), 1-2 June, 2017, Oradea, Romania, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5090-6073-3, DOI: 10.1109/EMES.2017.7980424.
  11. Viktor Tuba, Adis Alihodžić, Milan Tuba, Multi-Objective RFID Network Planning with Probabilistic Coverage Model by Guided Fireworks Algorithm, In: Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE), 23-25 March, 2017, Bucharest, Romania, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5090-5160-1/17/$31.00, DOI: 10.1109/ATEE.2017.7905125.
  12. Vahidin Hadžiabdić, Mustafa R.S. Kulenović and Esmir Pilav, Bifurcation and Global Dynamics of a Leslie-Gower Type Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations with Quadratic Terms, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2017 (prihvaćen za objavljivanje)
  13. M. Muzika Dizdarević, Symmetric tiling in the square lattice. Mat. Vesnik 69 (2017), no. 4, 281–295.
  14. Nacima Memić, Ergodic polynomials on 2-adic spheres, Bulletin Polish Acad. Sci. Math., DOI: 10.4064/ba8099-1-2017 Published online: 9 March 2017
  15. J. Bektešević, V.Hadžiabdić, S. Kalabušić and M. Mehuljić, Global Asymptotic Behavior of Some Quadratic Rational Second Order Difference Equations, International Journal of Difference Equations, ISSN 0973-6069, pp.1-16 (accepted for publication) , 2017
  16. A.Odžak, L. Smajlović, On the generalized Euler–Stieltjes constants for the Rankin–Selberg L-function, Int. J. Number Theory 13 (2017), no. 6, 1363–1379
  17. T. Khyat, M.R.S. Kulenović and E. Pilav, The invariant curve caused by Neimark-Sacker bifurcation of a perturbed Beverton-Holt difference equation, International Journal of Difference Equations, 2017 (prihvaćen za objavljivanje)
  18. M. Avdispahić, Z. Šabanac, Determination of a jump by Fourier and Fourier-Chebyshev series, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 43 (2017), no. 7, 2307-2321.
  19. V. Hadziabdic, M. R. S. Kulenovic and E. Pilav, Global stability of a quadratic anti-competitive system of rational difference equations in the plane with Allee effects, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 2018 (prihvaćen za objavljivanje).
  20. M. Avdispahić, Z. Šabanac, Strong boundedness, strong convergence and generalized variation, Acta Math. Hungar. 152 (2017), no. 2, 404 – 420 doi:10.1007/s10474-017-0717-3.
  21. T. Khyat, M.R.S Kulenović, E. Pilav, The Naimark-Sacker bifurcation and asymptotic approximation of the invariant curve of a certain difference equation, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 12/2017; 23(8).
  22. Milad Moazami Goodarzi, Mahdi Hormozi, Nacima Memić, Relations between Schramm spaces and generalized Wiener classes, JMAA, 450 (2017), 829–838. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2017.01.033
  23. N. Memić, Z. Šabanac, On perturbed monomials on 2-adic speres around 1, Filomat, 31:15 (2017), 4905–4913 https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL1715905M
  24. Dž. Burgić, M. Omerović and D. Kamber, Application of cooperative learning in early mathematics teaching – teachers’ attitudes, HUMAN 7(1) (2017), 25-33. DOI: 10.21554/hrr.041703
  1. Adis Alihodžić, Fireworks Algorithm with New Feasibility-Rules in Solving UAV Path Planning, In: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Soft Computing anf Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2016), November 23-25, 2016, Dubai, UAE, IEEE and INNS-India Regional Chapter, pp. 53-57, ISBN-13: 978-1-5090-3696-7.
  2. M. Muzika Dizdarević, M. Timotijević, R.T. Žvaljević, Signed polyomino tilings by n-in-line polyominoes and Groebner bases, Publications de l’Institut Math ́ematique, 99 (113), 2016, 31–42. arXiv:1409.2745[math.CO]
  3. A. Bucur, A-M Ernvall-Hytonen, A. Odžzak, L. Smajlović, “On a Li-type criterion for zero-free regions of certain Dirichlet series with real coefficients”, LMS J. Comput. Math. 19 (1) (2016) 259-280
  4. Nacima Memić, Ergodicity conditions on the group of 3-adic integers, Colloquium Mathematicum, DOI: 10.4064/cm6696-2-2016.
  5. Nacima Memić, Characterization of ergodic rational functions on the set of 3-adic units, International Journal of Number Theory, DOI: 10.1142/S1793042117500609.
  6. Nacima Memić, George Tephnadze and L. E. Persson, A note on the maximal operators of Vilenkin—Nörlund means with non-increasing coefficients, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 53(4):545-556, December 2016, DOI: 10.1556/012.2016.53.4.1342
  7. M.R.S Kulenović, E. Pilav, Asymptotic approximations of the stable and unstable manifolds of the fixed point of a certain rational map by using functional equation, Sarajevo J. Math , 2016 (prihvaćen za objavljivanje)
  8. H. Alajbegović, M. Avdispahić, Zeta functions and subgroup growth in $P2/m$, J. Math. Chem. 54 (2016), no. 1, 331-343.
  9. G.L.Mullen, A. Muratović-Ribić, Q. Wang, On coefficients of powers of polynomials and their compositions, Contemporary Developments in Finite Fields and Applications, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. ISBN 978-981-4719-25-4, 2016
  10. Nacima Memić, Ergodic Products and Powers on Compact Subsets of the p-adic Field, Bulletin Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 64 (2016) , 47-53, DOI: 10.4064/ba8027-7-2016.
  11. Nacima Memić and Zenan Šabanac, On some subsequences of Fejer means for integrable functions on unbounded Vilenkin groups, Advances in Mathematics: Scienti c Journal 5 (2016), no.2, 143 152.
  12. Z. Lavić, M. Pašić, B. Vučijak, N. Dukić, Fuzzy logistics multicriteria decision making model for facilities layout, Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium 27 (1) (2016), 650–657.
  13. Z. Lavić, N. Dukić, M. Pašić, B. Vučijak, Research on similarity values relevant for fuzzy matrix consistency check, Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium 27(1) (2016), 645–649.
  14. A. Odžak, L. Smajlović, Euler-Stieltjes constants for the Rankin-Selberg L-function and weighted Selberg orthogonality, Glas. Mat. Ser. III 51(71) (2016), no. 1, 23–44.
  15. M. Avdispahić, Dž. Gušić and D. Kamber, Order of zeta functions for compact even-dimensional symmetric spaces, Bull. Hellenic Math. Soc. 59 (2016), 57-69. http://bulletin.math.uoc.gr/vol/59/59-57-69.pdf
  16. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, On the prime geodesic theorem for non-compact Riemann surfaces, Adv. Pure Math. 6 (2016), 903-914. DOI: 10.4236/apm.2016.612068
  17. Almasa Odžak, On the asymptotic criterion for the zero-free regions of certain L-functions,Turkish Journal of Mathematics,(2016) 40: 688-702
  18. J. Bektešević, M.RS. Kulenović, E. Pilav, “Asymptotic approximations of a stable and unstable manifolds of a two-dimensional quadratic map, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 01/2016; 20:17
  19. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović and M. Mehuljić, Global Dynamics and Bifurcations of Two quadratic Fractional Difference Equations, J.Comp.Anal.Appl., 20(2016),12p.
  20. Erin Denette, Mustafa Kulenović, Esmir Pilav: “Birkhoff Normal Forms, KAM Theory and Time Reversal Symmetry for Certain Rational Map”, Mathematics 03/2016; 4(1):20. DOI:10.3390/ math4010020
  21. Arzu Bilgin, Mustafa R.S. Kulenovic, Esmir Pilav: Basins of attraction of period-two solutions of monotone difference equations. Advances in Difference Equations 03/2016; 2016(2016:74):25. DOI:10.1186/ s13662-016-0801-y
  22. Nacima Memić, Ergodic polynomials on subsets of p-adic integers,  p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Application,  Vol. 8, No. 2 (2016), pp. 149–159.
  23. Nacima Memić, Almost everywhere convergence of some subsequences of Fejer means for integrable functions on some unbounded Vilenkin groups, Math. Slovaca, 67 (2017), no:1, 179-190. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ms-2016-0256.
  1. M. Muzika Dizdarević, R.T. Živaljević, Symmetric polyomino tilings, tribones, ideals and Groebner bases, Publications de l’Institut Math ́ematique, 98 (112), 2015, 1–23. arXiv:1407.2015[math.CO]
  2. H. Alajbegović, M. Avdispahić, Zeta and normal zeta functions for a subclass of space groups, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 53 (2015), No. 7, 1537-1548; DOI: 10.1007/s10910-015-0504-8 (18 April 2015).
  3. Alem Memić, On a new reproducing kernel Hilbert space and a boundary value problem for harmonic functions, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, DOI: 10.15672/HJMS.2015449659
  4. Ernvall-Hyt onen A-M, Odzak A, Smajlovic L, Susic M. On the modied Li criterion for a certain class of L functions, J. Number Theory 2015; 156: 340-367.
  5. A. Odžak, L. Smajlović, “Euler-Stieltjes constants for the Rankin-selberg L-function and weighted Selberg orthogonality”, Glasnik matematički (rad prihvaćen za objavljivanje), ISSN: 0017-095X (Print) 1846-7989 (Online)
  6. Amela Muratović-Ribić, Quiang Wang, The multisubset sum problem for finite abelian groups, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 8 (2015) 417-423, ISSN 1855-3966 ( printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.)
  7. K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, E. Selmanović, R. Mukherjee, A. Chalmers:“Optimal exposure compression for high dynamic range content”, in The Visual Computer, 2015, doi: 10.1007/s00371-015-1121-z
  8. J. Bektešević, M.RS. Kulenović, E. Pilav, Asymptotic Approximations of the Stable and Unstable Manifolds of Fixed Points of a Two-dimensional Cubic Map, International Journal of Difference Equations 05/2015; 10(1):39-58.
  9. J. Bektešević, M.RS. Kulenović, E. Pilav, Global Dynamics of Cubic Second Order Difference Equation in the First Quadrant, Advances in Difference Equations, 2015, (in print)
  10. Nacima Memić, Ilona Simon, George Tephnadze, Strong convergence of two dimensional Vilenkin-Fourier series, Math. Nachr. 1–16 (2015) / DOI 10.1002/mana.201400239
  11. Memić Nacima, Almost everywhere convergence of some subsequences of the Norlund logarithmic means of Walsh–Fourier series, Analysis Mathematica, 41 (2015), 45–54, DOI: 10.1007/s10476-015-0104-7
  12. Nacima Memić, Almost everywhere convergence of Fejer means of some subsequences of Fourier series for integrable functions with respect to the Kaczmarz system, Advances in Mathematics: Scienti c Journal 4 (2015), no.1, 65 77 ISSN 1857-8365.
  13. Milan Tuba and Nebojsa Bacanin and Adis Alihodzic, Multilevel Image Thresholding by Fireworks Algorithm, In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Radioelektronika, April, 21-23, 2015, Pardubice, Czech Republic, IEEE & Čes, pp. 326-330, isbn: 978-1-4799-8117-5
  14. S. Jasarević-Hrustić, Z.Nurkanović, M.R.S. Kulenović and E.Pilav, “Birkhoff Normal Forms, KAM theory and Symmetries for Certain Second Order Rational Difference Equation with Quadratic Term”, International Journal of Difference Equations, 2015 (rad prihvaćen za objavljivanje).
  15. Samir Ribić, Razija Turčinhodžić, Amela Muratović-Ribić, Modelling Constraints in School Timetabling using Integer Linear Programming, ICAT 2015, October 29-31, ETF, Sarajevo.
  16. Garry Mullen, Amela Muratović-Ribić, On coefficients of powers of polynomials and their compositions, The 12th International Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications – July 13-17, 2015
  17. Manuela Muzika DizdarevicRade T. Zivaljevic, SYMMETRIC POLYOMINO TILINGS, TRIBONES, IDEALS, AND GRÖBNER BASES, PUBLICATIONS DE L’INSTITUT MATHÉMATIQUE Nouvelle série, tome 98(112) (2015), 1–23 DOI: 10.2298/PIM1512001
  18. A. Odžak, “On the asymptotic criterion for the zero-free regions of the L-functions”,  Turk J. Math (rad prihvacen za objavljivanje)
  19. Bucur A, Ernvall-Hyt onen A-M, Odzak A, Roditty-Gershon E, Smajlovic L. On tau-Li coefficients for Rankin-Selberg L-functions. In: Bertin MJ, Bucur A, Feigon F, Schneps L,editors. Women in Numbers Europe – WINE 2, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015, pp. 167-190.
  20. A Pott, E Pasalic, A Muratovic-Ribic, S Bajric, Vectorial quadratic bent functions as a product of two linearized polynomials, WCC2015-9th International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2015
  21. N. Dukić, F. Destović, H. Dukić, Fuzzy formulas and fuzzy dependency, Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems 6 (2015), no. 2, 68-77.
  1. Adis Alihodzic and Milan Tuba, Improved Bat Algorithm Applied to Multilevel Image Thresholding, The Scientific World Journal, special issue Computational Intelligence and Metaheuristic Algorithms with Applications, 2014, vol. 2014 (2014), no. Article ID 176718, p. 16, 10.1155/2014/176718
  2. Milan Tuba and Adis Alihodzic and Nebojsa Bacanin, Cuckoo Search and Bat Algorithm Applied to Training Feed-Forward Neural Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2014, vol. 585/2015, pp. 139-162, issn: 1860-949X, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-13826-8_8
  3. Alem Memić, A reproducing kernel for a Hilbert space related to harmonic Bergman space on a domain outside compact set, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 38(2014), 311-317.
  4. Alem Memić, On a new type of spaces related to the decomposition theorem for harmonic functions General Mathematics Notes, 20.2(2014), 67-78.
  5. Amela Muratović-Ribić, Enes Pašalić, A note on complete polynomials over finite fields and their applications in cryptography, Finite Fields and their Applications, 25(2014) 306-315, ISSN: 1071-5797, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ffa.2013.10.008
  6. Muratović-Ribić,A., Pašalić E., Bajrić, S., Vectorial Bent Functions From Multiple Terms Trace Functions, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (Volume:60 , Issue: 2 ), 1337 – 1347, ISSN :0018-9448, DOI:10.1109/TIT.2013.2290709
  7. Samed Bajrić, Enes Pasalic, Amela Ribić-Muratović, Gangopadhyay Sugatac, On generalized bent functions with Dillonʼs exponents, Information Processing Letters Volume 114, Issue 4, April 2014, 222–227, ISSN: 0020-0190, doi:10.1016/ j.ipl.2013.10.011
  8. Muratovic-Ribic, A.; Pasalic, E. ; Ribic, S., Vectorial Hyperbent Trace Functions From the PS ap Class—Their Exact Number and Specification, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory(Volume:60, Issue7), 4408 – 4413, ISSN :0018 – 9448, DOI: 10.1109/ TIT.2014.2320269
  9. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, Order of Selberg's and Ruelle's zeta functions for compact even-dimensional locally symmetric spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 413 (2014), 525-531.
  10. E. Selmanovic, T. Bashford-Rogers, K. Debattista, and A. Chalmers, “Enabling Stereoscopic High Dynamic Range Video”, in Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2014, Volume 29, Issue 2, Pages 216–22, doi: 10.1016/j.image.2013.08.004
  11. J. Bektešević, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, Global Dynamics of Quadratic Second Order Difference Equation in the First Quadrant, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 227, 15 January 2014, Pages 50–65.
  12. M.R.S. Kulenović, Z. Nurkanović and E. Pilav, Birkhoff Normal Forms and KAM theory for Gumowski-Mira Equation, The Scientific World Journal. Volume 2014, Article ID 819290, 8 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/819290
  13. M.R.S. Kulenović, E. Pilav and E. Silić, Local Dynamics and Global Attractivity of a Certain Second Order Quadratic Fractional Difference Equation, Advances in Difference Equations, 2014:68 doi:10.1186/1687-1847-2014-68
  14. S. Kalabušić, M. R. S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, Basins of Attraction of Certain Linear Fractional System of Difference Equations in the Plane, International Journal of Difference Equations, 08/2014; 9(2):207-222.
  15. M.R.S. Kulenović, E. Pilav and E. Silić, Naimark-Sacker Bifurcation of a Certain Second Order Quadratic Fractional Difference Equation, Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, 09/2014; 4(6):1044-1054.
  16. V. Hadžiabdić, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, Dynamics of a Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations with Quadratic Terms, Advances in Difference Equations 11/2014; 2014:301. DOI:10.1186/1687-1847-2014-301
  17. Nacima Memić, On the divergence of Norlund logarithmic means with respect to the L1 norm on some unbounded Vilenkin groups, Facta Universitatis . Series Mathematics and Informatics, 2014, volumen 29, broj 3, 271-279, ISSN 0352-9665
  18. Nacima Memić, On almost everywhere convergence of some subsequences of Fejer means for integrable integrable functions on unbounded Vilenkin groups, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis. New Series, 2014, volumen 30, 91-101, ISSN 0866-0182; 1786-0091/e
  19. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović and M.Mehuljic, Global Period-doubling Bifurcation of Quadratic Fractional Second Order Difference Equation, Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., (2014) Volume 2014.
  1. A. Muratović-Ribić, On coefficients of polynomials of several variables over finite fields, 11th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Appicaltions, Magdeburg, Germany, 2013
  2. Amela Muratović-Ribić, Alexandar Pott, David Thomson, Qiang Wang, On the characterization of a semi-mutilikative analogue of planar functions over finite fields, Topics in Finite Fields, Contemporary Mathematics, 2013
  3. Adis Alihodzic, Nedzad Dukic, Comparisons of algorithms for image reconstruction in the plane: C with MEX vs. MATLAB, Technics Technologies Education Management (TTEM), 2013, vol. 8, no. 4, issn: 1840-1503, e-ISSN: 1986-809X
  4. Amela Muratović-Ribić, Qiang Wang, Partitions and compositions over finite fields, The electronic journal of combinatorics 20(1), (2013) #34 http:// www.combinatorics.org/ojs/index.php/eljc/ article/ view/v20i1p34 ISSN: 1077-8926
  5. M. R. Broome, E. Zányi, T. Hamborg, E. Selmanovic, S. Czanner, M. Birchwood, A. Chalmers, S. P. Singh, “A high-fidelity virtual environment for the study of paranoia”, in Schizophrenia research and treatment, 2013, vol. 2013, Article ID 538185, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/538185
  6. E. Selmanovic, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, A. Chalmers, “Generating stereoscopic
    HDR images using HDR-LDR image pairs”, in ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP),2013, Volume 10, Issue 1, doi: 10.1145/2422105.2422108
  7. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, Global Dynamics of an Anti-Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations in the Plane, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Volume 19, Issue 11, November 2013, pages 1849-187, DOI:10.1080/10236198.2013.787420
  8. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, Global Dynamics of Anti-Competitive Systems in the Plane, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis Volume 20, Number 4 (2013), pages 477-505.
  9. Nacima Memić, A note on multipliers of weak type on the dyadic group, Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics, 2013, volumen 28, broj 1, 67-74, ISSN 0352-9665
  1. Amela Muratović-Ribić, Qiang Wang, On a conjecture of polynomials with prescribed range, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Volume 18, Issue 4, July 2012, 728–737, ISSN: 1071-5797, doi:10.1016/j.ffa.2012.02.004
  2. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, On the error term in the prime geodesic theorem, Bull.Korean. Math. Soc. 49 (2012), 367-372.
  3. Muharem Avdispahić, Nacima Memić, Ferenc Weisz, Maximal functions, Hardy spaces and Fourier multiplier theorems on unbounded Vilenkin groups, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2012, volumen 390, broj 1, 68-73, ISSN 0022-247X, DOI:10.1016/j.jmaa.2012.01.019
  4. Nacima Memić, Samra Pirić, Inverse character formula for Vilenkin systems, Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics, 2012, volumen 27, broj 2, 199-211, ISSN 0352-9665
  5. Nacima Memić, Estimates for the integral of maximal functions of Fejér kernel, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis. New Series, 2012, volumen 28, broj 2, 177-187, ISSN 0866-0182; 1786-0091/e
  6. Nacima Memić, On the boundedness of the V-conjugation operator on Hardy spaces, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, volumen 42, 121.129, ISSN 1171-6096; 1179-4984/e
  7. S. McCullough, S. Sultanic, Agler-Commutant Lifting on an Annulus, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 72 (2012), no. 4, 449—48
  8. C.H Gibbons, S.Kalabušić and C.B. Overdeep, More results on the trichotomy character of a second-order rational difference equation with period-two coefficients, Journal of Difference equations and applications, DOI:10.1080/10236198.2012.704916, July 2012.
  9. M. Avdispahić, J. Jorgenson, L. Smajlović: Asymptotic behavior of the Selberg zeta functions for degenerating families of hyperbolicmanifolds, Communications in Mathematical Physics 310 (2012), 217-236; DOI 10.1007/s00220-011-1408-5
  1. A. Odžak and L. Smajlović, “On asymptotic behavior of generalized Li coefficients in the Selberg class”, J. Number Theory 131 (2011), 519–535, ISSN: 0022-314X, DOI: doi:10.1016/j.jnt.2010.08.009
  2. A. Odžak and L.Smajlović, “On the representation of H-invariants in the Selberg class“, Acta Arith. 148 (2011), 105-118, ISSN: 0065-1036 (Print) 1730-6264(Online), DOI: doi:10.4064/aa148-2-1
  3. A. Odžak and L. Smajlović, “On interpolation functions for generalized Li coefficients in the Selberg class”, International Journal of Number Theory 7 (2011), 771-792, ISSN: 1793-0421 (Print), 1793-7310 (Online), DOI: 10.1142/S1793042111004356
  4. A. Odžak, “On the H-invariants in the Selberg class“, Math. Balkanica 25 (5) (2011), 511-518, ISSN: 0205-3217
  5. Amela Muratović-Ribić, Qiang Wang, On coefficients of polynomials over finite fields, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Volume 17, Issue 6, November 2011, Pages 575–599, ISSN: 1071-5797, doi:10.1016/j.ffa.2011.04.002
  6. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, A weighted prime geodesic theorem, Mathematica Balkanica 25 (2011), 463-474.
  7. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, Dynamics of a Two-dimensional System of Rational Difference Equations of Leslie-Gower type, Advances in Difference Equations, Volume 2011 (2011), ISSN: 1687-1839 (Print); ISSN: 1687-1847 (Online); doi:10.1155/ADE
  8. S. Kalabušić, M. R. S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, Multiple Attractors for a Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations in the Plane, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2011, Article ID 295308, 35 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/295308
  9. Zejnulahi, F., Arslanagić, Š. , Razni dokazi jedne algebarske nejednakosti, Naša škola, LVII, broj 55/225, 2011
  10. S. Pirić, Z. Šabanac, Cesaro summability in some orthogonal systems, Math. Balkanica (N. S.) 25 (2011), Fasc. 5, 519 – 526
  11. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, Dynamics of Certain Anti-competitive Systems of Rational Difference Equations in the Plane, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2011, DOI: 10.1080/10236191003730506.
  1. A. Odžak and L.Smajlović, On Li's coefficients for the Rankin-Selberg L-functions, The Ramanujan J. 21 (3) (2010), 303-334, ISSN: 1382-4090 (Print) 1572-9303 (Online), DOI: 10.1007/s11139-009-9175-z
  2. A. Odžak, On Li’s Coefficients for Some Classes of L-Functions, Math. Balkanica 24 (3-4) (2010), 217-228, ISSN: 0205-3217
  3. Dž. Gušić, Integral representations of the Logarithmic Derivative of the Selberg Zeta Function, Mathematica Balkanica 24 (2010), 243-251.
  4. Muharem Avdispahić, Nacima Memić, Fourier multiplier theorem for atomic Hardy spaces on unbounded Vilenkin groups, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2010., Volumen 363, broj 2, 588-595, ISSN 0022-247X, DOI:10.1016/j.jmaa.2009.09.037
  5. Muharem Avdispahić, Nacima Memić, A derivative on the field of p-adic numbers,. p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications, 2010, Volumen 2, broj 4, 278-284, Print ISSN 2070-0466, Online ISSN 2070-0474, DOI 10.1134/S2070046610040023
  6. Muharem Avdispahić, Nacima Memić. On the Lebesgue test for convergence of Fourier series on unbounded Vilenkin groups, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2010, volumen 129, broj 4, 381-392, Print ISSN 0236-5294, Online ISSN 1588-2632, DOI 10.1007/s10474-010-0023-9
  7. Nacima Memić, Multiplicative systems on ultra-metric spaces, Mathematica Balkanica. New Series, 2010, volumen 23, broj 3-4, 275-284, ISSN 0205-3217
  8. A. Brett, Kalabušić, S.; Kulenović, M. R. S. Global Attractivity Results in Partially Ordered Complete Metric Spaces, Nonlinear Studies, Vol. 18. No 2, pp 141-154.
  9. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: On the logarithmic derivative of the Selberg zeta function. Preprint (2010)
  10. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: On the Selberg orthogonality for automorphic L-functions, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel, Switzerland), DOI: 10.1007/s00013-009-0099-z, published
    online on January 22, 2010, 94 (2010), No.2, 147-154
  1. E. Zanyi, E. Selmanovic, M. Broome, S. Czanner, M. Birchwood, A. Chalmers and S. SINGH, “Interactive Highly Realistic Virtual Reality as a Tool for Understanding the Genesis and Treatment of Psychotic Symptoms”, in Studies in health technology and informatics, 2009, vol. 144, p. 138, doi: 10.3233/978-1-60750-017-9-138
  2. Zejnulahi, F., Arslanagić, Š. , Dve uslovni algebarski neravenstva, (na makedonskom jeziku), Sigma (Skopje), Vol. 36, Br. 3(2009-2010), 1-6.
  3. One point quadrature rule with cardinal B-spline. Udovičić, Zlatko. 2009, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Tom. 360, str. 432-438. ISSN: 0022-247X MRN: 2561242.
  4. On the prime number theorem for a compact Riemann surface. Avdispahić, M. i Smajlović, L. 2009, Rocky Mountain J. Math., Tom. 39, str. 1837-1845. ISSN: 0035-7596 MRN: 2575880.
  5. Inverse of some classes of permutation binomials. Muratović-Ribić, Amela. 2009, J. Concr. Appl. Math., Tom. 7, str. 47-53. ISSN: 1548-5390 MRN: 2500101.
  6. Global dynamics of a competitive system of rational difference equations in the plane. Kalabušić, S., Kulenović, M. R. S. i Pilav, E. 2009, Adv. Difference Equ., str. Art. ID 132802, 30. ISSN: 1687-1839 MRN: 2585115.
  7. Global attractivity results for mixed-monotone mappings in partially ordered complete metric spaces. Burgić, Dž., Kalabušić, S. i Kulenović, M. R. S. 2009, Fixed Point Theory Appl., str. Art. ID 762478, 17. ISSN: 1687-1820 MRN: 2496032.
  8. Calculation of the moments of the cardinal B-spline. Udovičić, Zlatko. 2009, Sarajevo J. Math., Tom. 5(18), str. 291-297. ISSN: 1840-0655 MRN: 2567760.
  9. A certain class of quadratures with hat function as a weight function. Udovičić, Zlatko. 2009, Acta Univ. Apulensis Math. Inform., str. 251-257. ISSN: 1582-5329 MRN: 2656793.
  1. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: Euler constants for Fuchsian groups of the first kind, Acta Arithmetica, Institutum Mathematicum, Academia Scientiarum Polona (Warsaw, Poland) 131 (2008) No. 2, 125-143
  2. Some examples of principal ideal domain which are not Euclidean and some other counterexamples. Perić, Veselin i Vuković, Mirjana. 2008, Novi Sad J. Math., Tom. 38, str. 137-154. ISSN: 1450-5444 MRN: 2498697.
  3. Period-two trichotomies of a difference equation of order higher than two. Burgić, Dž., Kalabušić, S. i Kulenović, M. R. S. 2008, Sarajevo J. Math., Tom. 4(16), str. 73-90. ISSN: 1840-0655 MRN: 2428490.
  4. Nonhyperbolic dynamics for competitive systems in the plane and global period-doubling bifurcations. Burgić, Dž., Kalabušić, S. i Kulenović, M. R. S. 2008, Adv. Dyn. Syst. Appl., Tom. 3, str. 229-249. ISSN: 0973-5321 MRN: 2548022.
  5. New inequalities for means. Arslanagić, Š. i Bencze, M. 2008, Sarajevo J. Math., Tom. 4(16), str. 39-47. ISSN: 1840-0655 MRN: 2428487.
  6. Inversion theorem for bilinear Hilbert transform. Bučkovska, Aneta, Pilipović, Stevan i Vuković, Mirjana. 2008, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., Tom. 19, str. 317-325. ISSN: 1065-2469 MRN: 2426723.
  7. Happy 80th birthday Professor Vajzović. Vuković, Mirjana. 2008, Sarajevo J. Math., Tom. 4(16), str. 3-5. ISSN: 1840-0655 MRN: 2428484.
  8. Distribution semigroups on function spaces with singularities at zero. Pilipović, Stevan, Vajzović, Fikret i Vuković, Mirjana. 2008, Novi Sad J. Math., Tom. 38, str. 127-135. ISSN: 1450-5444 MRN: 2498696.
  9. Core theorems for double subsequences and rearrangements. Miller, H. I. i Patterson, R. F. 2008, Acta Math. Hungar., Tom. 119, str. 71-80. ISSN: 0236-5294 MRN: 2400798.
  10. Almost convergence of double subsequences. Čunjalo, Fikret. 2008, Filomat, Tom. 22, str. 87-93. ISSN: 0354-5180 MRN: 2484198.
  11. About characters on Vilenkin groups. Pepić, Medo. 2008, Mat. Bilten, str. 35-46. ISSN: 0351-336X MRN: 2766385.
  12. About characters and the Dirichlet kernel on Vilenkin groups. Pepić, Medo. 2008, Sarajevo J. Math., Tom. 4(16), str. 109-123. ISSN: 1840-0655 MRN: 2428493.
  1. Amela Muratović-Ribić, A note on the coefficients of inverse polynomials, Finite Fields and Their Applications 13(2007), 977-980, ISSN: 1071-5797, doi:10.1016/j.ffa.2006.11.003
  2. A. Muratović-Ribić, Number of Values of Polynomial over Finite Field, Zbornik Radova, PMF-Tuzla, Vol. II, No.3. (2007), ISSN 1840-0515
  3. S. McCullough, S Sultanic, Ersatz commutant lifting with test functions, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 1 (2007), no. 4, 581-620
  4. F.Cunjalo, Almost convergence of double sequences-some analogies between measure and category, Math.Maced. 2007, 21-24
  5. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: Explicit formulas and Euler constants on algebraic number fields, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Special Issue on Leonhard Paul Euler's Tricentennial: Mathematical Topics and Applications. 11 (2007), No. 7, 13-20
  6. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: Functional equation in the fundamental class and the type of explicit formula, Annals of the European Academy of Sciences 2006-2007 (Liège, Belgium) Online Edition 1784-357X
  7. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: Explicit formula for the hyperbolic scattering determinant, Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series. Springer-Verlag (Heidelberg, Germany) DOI: 10.1007/s10114-005-0791-2, published online on June 17, 2006, 23 (2007), No. 5, 889-894
  8. Gibbons, C. H., Kalabušić, S. i Overdeep, C. B. The dichotomy character of X_N+1=\beta_NX_N+\gamma_NX_{N-1}A_N+B_NX_N with period-two coefficients. Difference equations, special functions and orthogonal polynomials. s.l. : World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2007, str. 480-496.
  1. Zejnulahi, F., Arslanagić, Š., Šest uslovnih nejednakosti (na bugarskom jeziku), Matematika plus, (Bugarska), Vol. 14(55), Nr. 3 (2006),
  2. Saida Sultanic, Sub-Bergman Hilbert spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 324 (2006), 639-649
  3. Saida Sultanic, Commutant Lifting Theorem for the Bergman space, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 55 (2006), no. 4, 573–595.
  4. S. Kalabušić, M.Nurkanović, On the Dynamics of x_{n+1}=p_n+\frac{x_{n-1}}{x_{n-2}} With a Periodic Coefficient, Communication on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol.13(2006), Number 2, 37-57.
  5. An explicit formula and its application to the Selberg trace formula. Avdispahić, Muharem i Smajlović, Lejla. 2006, Monatsh. Math., Tom. 147, str. 183-198. ISSN: 0026-9255 MRN: 2215563.
  6. he semantic distance, fuzzy dependency and fuzzy formulas. Dukić, Nedžad. 2006, Sarajevo J. Math., Tom. 2(15), str. 137-146. ISSN: 1840-0655 MRN: 2273623.
  7. Some modifications of the trapezoidal rule. Udovičić, Zlatko. 2006, Sarajevo J. Math., Tom. 2(15), str. 237-245. ISSN: 1840-0655 MRN: 2273633.
  8. On the dynamics of x_n+1=p_n+x_{n-1}x_n-2, n=0,1,dots with a periodic coefficient. Kalabušić, S. i Nurkanović, M. 2006, Comm. Appl. Nonlinear Anal., Tom. 13, str. 37-57. ISSN: 1074-133X MRN: 2213156.
  9. On maximal operators on k-spheres in Bbb Z^n. Avdispahić, Muharem i Smajlović, Lejla. 2006, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Tom. 134, str. 2125–2130 (electronic). ISSN: 0002-9939 MRN: 2215783.
  10. Avdispahić, Muharem i Smajlović, Lejla. A note on Weil's explicit formula. p-adic mathematical physics. s.l. : Amer. Inst. Phys., Melville, NY, 2006, Tom. 826, str. 312-319.
  11. A new explicit formula for the fundamental class of functions. Avdispahić, Muharem i Smajlović, Lejla. 2006, Taiwanese J. Math., Tom. 10, str. 1523-1538. ISSN: 1027-5487 MRN: 2275143.
  1. Amela Muratović, Representation of Polynomials over Finite Fields with Circulants, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, Vol.1(13),21-26, ISSN 1840-0655
  2. Dukić, Nedžad; Avdagić, Zikrija. Formalization of provenes fuzzy functional dependancy in fuzzy databases.[Formalization of proof in fuzzy functional dependency for fuzzy databases] Mathware Soft Comput. 11 (2005), no. 1, 31—44. MR2116810
  3. M.Crnjac, F.Cunjalo, H.I.Miller, Subsequences characterizations of statistical convergence of double sequences, Rad.Mat. 2004, 163-175
  4. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: Explicit formula for a fundamental class of functions, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin (Brussels, Belgium) 12 (2005) No. 4, 569-587.
  5. Summability matrices and sequences of 0's and 1's. Ćunjalo, F., i dr. 2005, Acta Math. Hungar., Tom. 109, str. 147-155. ISSN: 0236-5294 MRN: 2174243.
  6. Representation of polynomials over finite fields with circulants. Muratović, Amela. 2005, Sarajevo J. Math., Tom. 1(13), str. 21-26. ISSN: 1840-0655 MRN: 2138393.
  7. Numerical stability of a class (of systems) of nonlinear equations. Udovičić, Zlatko. 2005, Mat. Vesnik, Tom. 57, str. 27-33. ISSN: 0025-5165 MRN: 2161529.
  8. Fuzzy functional dependency and the resolution principle. Dukić, Nedzad i Avdagić, Zikrija. 2005, Informatica (Vilnius), Tom. 16, str. 45-60. ISSN: 0868-4952 MRN: 2133299.
  9. Cosine operator functions and Hilbert transforms. Vajzović, Fikret i Šahović, Amina. 2005, Novi Sad J. Math., Tom. 35, str. 41-55. ISSN: 1450-5444 MRN: 2244829.
  10. An interesting example concerning convergence of double sequences. Miller, Harry I. i Miller-Van Wieren, Leila. 2005, Math. Commun., Tom. 10, str. 129-134. ISSN: 1331-0623 MRN: 2199102.
  1. S.Kalabušić, F. Vajzović, Exponential Formula for One-time Integrated Semigroup, Novi Sad J. Math. Vol.33 No.2, 2003.
  2. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, Carol B. Overdeep, On the Dynamics of Equation x_{n+1}=\frac{\gamma x_{n-i}+\delta x_{n-k}}{C x_{n-i}+D x_{n-i}},J. Differ. Equations Appl. 10 (2004) 915-928.
  3. Subsequence characterizations of statistical convergence of double sequences. Crnjac, M., Čunjalo, F. i Miller, H. I. 2004, Rad. Mat., Tom. 12, str. 163-175. ISSN: 0352-6100 MRN: 2065556.
  4. Rate of convergence of solutions of rational difference equation of second order. Kalabušić, S. i Kulenović, M. R. S. 2004, Adv. Difference Equ., str. 121-139. ISSN: 1687-1839 MRN: 2064087.
  5. Formalization of provenes fuzzy functional dependancy in fuzzy databases. Dukić, Nedžad i Avdagić, Zikrija. 2004, Mathware Soft Comput., Tom. 11, str. 31-44. ISSN: 1134-5632 MRN: 2116810.
  6. Dynamics of the recursive sequence x_n+1=β x_n-l+δ x_n-kover Bx_n-l+Dx_n-k. Kalabušić, S., Kulenović, M. R. S. i Overdeep, C. B. 2004, J. Difference Equ. Appl., Tom. 10, str. 915-928. ISSN: 1023-6198 MRN: 2079641.
  1. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, Carol B. Overdeep, On the Asymptotic of the Rational Difference Equation of Third Order, J.Concrete Appl. Math. 1(2003) 149-162.
  2. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, On the Recursive Sequence x_{n+1}=\frac{\gamma x_{n-1}+\delta x_{n-2}}{C x_{n-1}+D x_{n-2}}, J. Differ. Equations Appl. 9 (2003) 701-720.
  3. φ-variation and Barner-Weil formula. Avdispahic, Muharem i Smajlovic, Lejla. 2003, Math. Balkanica (N.S.), Tom. 17, str. 267-289. ISSN: 0205-3217 MRN: 2035383.
  4. On the recursive sequence x_n+1=γ x_n-1+δ x_n-2over Cx_n-1+Dx_n-2. Kalabušić, S. i Kulenović, M. R. S. 2003, J. Difference Equ. Appl., Tom. 9, str. 701-720. Special Session of the American Mathematical Society Meeting, Part II (San Diego, CA, 2002). ISSN: 1023-6198 MRN: 1992904.
  5. On integrability and L^1-convergence differentiated trigonometric series. Tanović-Miller, N. 2003, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Tom. 284, str. 351-372. ISSN: 0022-247X MRN: 1996137.
  6. Nonoscillatory solutions for system of neutral delay equation. El-Metwally, H., Kulenović, M. R. S. i Hadžiomerspahić, S. 2003, Nonlinear Anal., Tom. 54, str. 63-81. ISSN: 0362-546X MRN: 1978965.
  7. Integrability and L^1 convergence classes for unbounded Vilenkin systems. Tanović-Miller, N. 2003, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), Tom. 69, str. 687-732. ISSN: 0001-6969 MRN: 2034203.
  8. Exponential formula for one-time integrated semigroups. Kalabušić, Senada i Vajzović, Fikret. 2003, Novi Sad J. Math., Tom. 33, str. 77-88. ISSN: 1450-5444 MRN: 2046164.
  1. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, Asymptic Behavior of Certain Third Order Rational Difference Equation, Radovi Matematički 11 (2002) 70-101.
  2. Miller, Harry I., On problems of Sierpiʼnski and Erdos. 2002, Rad. Mat., Tom. 11, str. 13-18. Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Dr. Naza Tanović-Miller. ISSN: 0352-6100 MRN: 1971319.
  3. Tanović-Miller, On Fomin and Fomin-type integrability and L^1-convergence classes.N. 2002, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), Tom. 68, str. 751-775. ISSN: 0001-6969 MRN: 1954546.
  1. Prof. Dr. Naza Tanović-Miller 1938–2001—Obituary. Miller, Harry. 2001, Rad. Mat., Tom. 10, str. 139-148. Dual English–Serbo-Croatian text. ISSN: 0352-6100 MRN: 1981086.
  2. On almost convergent and statistically convergent subsequences. Miller, H. I. i Orhan, C. 2001, Acta Math. Hungar., Tom. 93, str. 135-151. ISSN: 0236-5294 MRN: 1924673.
  3. Existence of nonoscillatory solution for linear neutral delay equation. Kulenović, M. R. S. i Hadžiomerspahić, S. 2001, Fasc. Math., str. 61-72. ISSN: 0044-4413 MRN: 1867947.
  4. A personal account of mathematics in Bosnia. Miller, Harry i Tanović-Miller, Naza. 2001, Math. Intelligencer, Tom. 23, str. 31-35. ISSN: 0343-6993 MRN: 1843236.
  5. Academic Manojlo Maravić (1919–2000)—obituary. Vajzović, F., Vuković, M. i Tanović-Miller, N. 2000/01, Rad. Mat., Tom. 10, str. 121-129. Text in Serbo-Croatian and English. ISSN: 0352-6100 MRN: 1840598.
  1. The asymptotic behavior of nonoscillatory solutions of some nonlinear differential equations. Kulenović, M. R. S. i Ljubović, Ć. 2000, Nonlinear Anal., Tom. 42, str. 821-833. ISSN: 0362-546X MRN: 1776926.
  2. Summability and integrability of Vilenkin series. Avdispahić, Muharem i Pepić, Medo. 2000, Collect. Math., Tom. 51, str. 237-254. ISSN: 0010-0757 MRN: 1814327.
  3. On summability in L^p-norm on general Vilenkin groups. Avdispahić, Muharem i Pepić, Medo. 2000, Taiwanese J. Math., Tom. 4, str. 285-296. ISSN: 1027-5487 MRN: 1757407.
  4. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the oscillation of a second order linear differential equation. Kulenović, M. R. S. i Ljubović, Ć. 2000, Math. Nachr., Tom. 213, str. 105-115. ISSN: 0025-584X MRN: 1755249.
  5. All solutions of the equilibrium capillary surface equation are oscillatory. Kulenović, M. R. S. i Ljubović, Ć. 2000, Appl. Math. Lett., Tom. 13, str. 107-110. ISSN: 0893-9659 MRN: 1760271.
  6. On openness of density points under mappings. Miller, Harry I. i Wyzinski, Henry L. 1999/00, Real Anal. Exchange, Tom. 25, str. 383-386. ISSN: 0147-1937 MRN: 1758894