/    /  Mathematical Sciences in Southeast Europe

The professional title obtained is Doctor of Mathematical Sciences or Doctor of Computer Science/Science

Curriculum for the 3rd cycle of study “Mathematical Sciences in Southeast Europe” (valid for students enrolled from the academic year 2021/22)

(Curriculums and programs that were valid for students enrolled until the academic year 2020/2021)

Code Course Title No. contact hours ECTS
EDU 610 Methodology of Research and Academical Skills 30 10
Elective Course 1 30 10
Elective Course 2 30 10
Code Course Title No. contact hours ECTS
Elective Course 3 30 10
Elective Course 4 30 10
Elective Course 5 30 10
Code Course Title No. contact hours ECTS
Work on Doctoral Thesis-Doctorial Seminar 30
Code Course Title No. contact hours ECTS
Work on Doctoral Thesis 30
Code Course Title No. contact hours ECTS
Work on Doctoral Thesis 30
Code Course Title No. contact hours ECTS
Defense of Doctoral Thesis 30

Courses that have an exclusively optional status
It is necessary to choose three subjects from those suggested below:

Rules of study in the 3rd cycle of studies

In the 1st semester, all candidates are required to take the subject “Research Methodology and Academic Skills” and two subjects from the offered list of subjects for the 1st semester, which will be determined for each candidate by the VDS of the Department of Mathematics, in accordance with the candidate’s research interests. In the second semester, the candidate takes three subjects from the offered list of subjects for the second semester, which will be determined for each candidate by the VDS of the Department of Mathematics, in accordance with the candidate’s research interests. In the 3rd semester, the candidate is obliged to defend a “Doctoral Seminar” with a supervisor/potential mentor that carries 30 ECTS and is related to work on a doctoral dissertation, which is called “Work on a doctoral dissertation – Doctoral Seminar”. Doctoral seminars are not evaluated, but its successful defense is verified in the index.

In the IV and V semesters, the candidate works on the working version of the doctoral dissertation, which is called “Doctoral dissertation work”, which is verified by the mentor in the index with his signature, and which carries 30 ECTS per semester, without a grade.

In the 6th semester, the candidate is entitled to 30 ECTS for the preparation and defense of the doctoral dissertation, which is verified by the mentor with his signature.

A candidate can take a maximum of two courses with one teacher during his doctoral studies.

The candidate acquires one of the titles provided by the Law, in accordance with the field to which the topic of his doctoral dissertation belongs