/    /  Applied Mathematics

The study lasts two academic years (ie four semesters), 120 ECTS credits. Candidates for admission to this study program must have completed the first cycle of a related study. The professional title obtained is Master of Mathematics – Applied Mathematics

Study rules for the II cycle of studies

Classes for each of the majors are held for the duration of four semesters, namely: I, II, II and IV. Each of the majors in each of the semesters I, II and III has 4 subjects, and in the IV semester a master’s thesis is done.

Each course is a one-semester course, worth 7-9 ECTS points (credits) and is represented by a maximum of 5 hours of effective teaching per week, with the number of lecture hours and the number of practice hours, as well as the type of practice hours, is determined by the teacher responsible for that subject, depending on the nature subject. All courses from the first and second semesters are compulsory, as well as two courses from the third semester. Two subjects from the III semester are optional and are related to the topic of the master’s thesis.

Two optional courses and a master’s thesis (which carries 20 ECTS points) together carry a minimum of 47 ECTS points, which is more than 1/3 of the total number of points for the entire II cycle of education. They define the degree of respect for the wishes and individual preferences of each student individually. Compulsory courses for each of the majors carry a total of 76 ECTS points, which is 2/3 of the total number of points for the II cycle of education. They determine the degree of definition of the expert’s profile for a given direction.

Prije upisa u III semestar student se (u pismenoj formi) opredjeljuje za izborne predmete 1 i 2 sa liste izbornih predmeta za odgovarajući smjer. Također, prije upisa u III semestar student, u dogovoru sa nastavnikom (budućim mentorom završnog rada) i uz saglasnost vijeća Odsjeka opredjeljuje se (u pismenoj formi) i za temu magistarskog rada.

Curriculum for the course "Applied Mathematics"

Valid for students enrolled from the academic year 2016/17
(Nastavni planovi i programi za studente upisane do akademske 2015./2016. godine)

Code Course title Semester I ECTS
AMAT 420 Partial Differential Equations 3+2+0 8
AMAT 430 Nonlinear Optimization 3+2+0 7
PMAT 425 Fourier Transform and Wavelets 3+2+0 8
AMAT 440 Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems 3+2+0 7
Code Course title Semester II ECTS
PMAT 470 Functional Analysis 3+2+0 8
AMAT 465 Advanced Numerical Methods 2+2+1 7
AMAT 470 Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 3+2+0 8
AMAT 475 Stochastic Processes 3+2+0 7
Code Course title Semester III ECTS
AMAT 510 Integral Transforms with Applications 3+2+0 8
AMAT 520 Advanced Statistical Methods 2+2+1 8
Elective Course 1 min 7
Elective Course 2 min 7
Code Course title Semester IV ECTS
AMAT 560 Master Thesis 20+0+0 30
Code Elective Course title P+A+LV ECTS
AMAT 525 Integral Equations with Applications 3+2+0 7
AMAT 535 Integer and Combinatorial Optimization 3+2+0 7
AMAT 540 Monotone Dynamical Systems 3+2+0 7
AMAT 530 Mathematical Physics 3+2+0 7
PAMAT 510 Algebraic Curves 3+2+0 8
PMAT 545 Nonlinear Functional Analysis 3+2+0 7
PMAT 537 Selected Topics in Combinatorics 3+2+0 7
PMAT 520 Algebraic Number Theory 3+2+0 8
PMAT 445 Special Functions 3+2+0 7
CS 535 Advanced Database Systems 2+2+1 7
CS 523 Neural Networks 2+2+1 7
CS 410 Coding and Information Theory 3+2+0 8