Development and study programs at the Department of Mathematics
MathematicsEver since the founding of the Faculty of Philosophy in 1950, which operated as a single teaching-scientific unit with the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Mathematics was one of the eight study groups at that faculty.

The Faculty of Science and Mathematics was founded in 1960, by the decision of the competent body of the People’s Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette No. 50/60) on the separation of the Department of Science and Mathematics from the Faculty of Philosophy, thus becoming an independent scientific and teaching institution, which combines natural and mathematical sciences. .
Today, the Faculty of Science is an organizational unit of the University of Sarajevo that makes a huge contribution to the scientific recognition and visibility of the University of Sarajevo, not only in the regional but also in the global world framework, as evidenced by the scientific successes of our former students who are current employees of the Faculty of Science or are employees of renowned universities and institutions around the world.
In July 2022, the Department of Mathematics will grow into the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences and is one of the five departments of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Sarajevo. As part of the educational activity, students are offered high-quality content in the fields of mathematics and computer science and information technology
From the academic year 2005/2006. In 2008, studies at the Department were organized according to the 3+2+3 system (I+II+III cycle, 180+120+180 ECTS points) in accordance with the Bologna principles of higher education organization.
First and second cycle of studies
In the first cycle (second cycle) of studies, which lasts 3 (2) years, i.e. 6 (4) semesters, the student can opt for one of the following 5 majors:
- General direction
- Applied mathematics
- Theoretical computer science
- Teacher major (mathematics)
- Teaching major (mathematics and informatics)
The third cycle of study or doctoral study lasts 3 years (6 semesters) and leads to the title of Doctor of Mathematical Sciences and Doctor of Computer Sciences
Professional study
In addition to the I, II, and III cycles of study from the academic year 2018/2019. in cooperation with BitAlliance, a two-year professional study “Information Technology” was launched. The professional study lasts 4 semesters with a total of 16 compulsory courses and Industrial Practice and Final Project, achieving a minimum of 120 ECTS credits.
This program study aims to provide professional development and training of staff (programmers) for the needs of IT companies through a two-year professional training with the possibility of passing students to the 1st cycle of studies in the field of Theoretical Computer Science.
Candidates for admission to study programs of the first cycle and professional studies must have completed a four-year high school.
If you have doubts and are in a dilemma about what to enroll, and you want to have a guaranteed job after completing your studies, know that you are in the right place. The first cycle of mathematics and computer science studies and the professional study of information technologies at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Sarajevo is definitely the right choice.
Mathematics as a scientific discipline seems fascinating and is at the top of the pyramid of knowledge. It represents a set of ideas that are beautiful in themselves and enough to capture human attention. Without mathematics, it is almost impossible to imagine any serious scientific discipline. The combination of mathematics, information technology and computer science at the Department is an ideal combination for acquiring knowledge and competences, which makes those who complete their studies at the Department of Mathematics competitive on the labor market in the field of mathematics, information technology and computer science.
All students who have completed the study of mathematics, information technology or computer science are employed in schools, various companies, institutes, institutions, IT firms, insurance companies, banks and other financial institutions, and some in well-known universities around the world.
The universality of the knowledge acquired at the Department of Mathematics and the wide application of that knowledge is the main advantage of our study programs. Perhaps, along with the importance of mathematics and computer science, there is no less important reason why you should study at the Department of Mathematics: mathematicians, computer scientists and IT experts are among the few who still find work without problems even before completing their studies.
After the successful completion of the 1st cycle of study, which lasts 3 years, the student acquires one of the following degrees: bachelor’s degree/bachelor of mathematics, bachelor’s degree/bachelor of mathematics-teaching major, bachelor’s degree/bachelor of mathematics-mathematics and informatics and bachelor’s degree/bachelor of mathematics-software engineering, depending on the major which he chose. After an additional 2 years of the second study cycle, depending on the chosen field, the title of Master of Mathematics, Master of Mathematics – Applied Mathematics and Master of Mathematics – Software Engineering is obtained. The professional title that is acquired after completing the “Information Technologies” professional study is Professional Specialist in Information Technologies.
A significant number of students who completed their studies at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, either in mathematics or computer sciences, today work as teachers, researchers and leading experts at universities or in prestigious software companies, insurance institutes and banks, both in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina , as well as in other countries in the EU and beyond. A certain number of students, after completing the first or second cycle of studies at the Department of Mathematics, successfully continued postgraduate and doctoral studies at the most prestigious universities in the EU and around the world.
Students who complete some of the study programs at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences have numerous job opportunities. Immediately after completing their studies, and many even during their studies, they easily find a job, and the best students have the possibility of employment at the university as assistants. Students majoring in teaching very easily find work as teachers or professors of mathematics and/or informatics in primary and secondary schools, given that this staff is in short supply. Students of other majors are offered a large number of possible places where they can find a job outside of education, such as: banks, IT companies, financial institutions, insurance institutes and numerous institutes that have a need for mathematical modeling. Students who complete their studies at the Department of Mathematics have proven to be good experts in numerous educational and scientific institutions, as well as business entities.
Candidates who decide to enroll in one of the study programs at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences must have completed a four-year high school. There is no entrance exam. Ranking of candidates is based on general success, grades in relevant subjects (mathematics, mother tongue, English and computer science) and competitions.
Enrollment requirements and criteria.
MathematicsCandidates who decide to enroll in one of the study programs at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences must have completed a four-year high school.
There is no entrance exam.
Ranking of candidates is based on general success, grades in relevant subjects (mathematics, mother tongue, English, and computer science), and competitions.
Finally, let us once again emphasize, in addition to the importance of mathematics and computer science, which have been discussed so far, there is only one more, no less important reason why to study mathematics, information technology, and computer science at the Department of Mathematics: mathematicians, computer scientists and IT specialists are among the few who still find work without problems today.