ACADEMIC TITLE: Associate Professor
TELEPHONE NUMBER: ++ 387 33 279 888
E-MAIL: nacima.o@gmail.com
CONSULTATIONS: Thursday: 9:00-12:00, Friday: 9:00-11:00
- 2010 Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, University of Sarajevo
- 2005 Master of mathematical sciences, University of Sarajevo
- 2003 Graduated in mathematics, University of Sarajevo
Academic experience
- 2015 – to date, associate professor at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo
- 2010 – 2015 assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo
- 2005 – 2010, high teaching assistant at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo
Scientific papers
- Nacima Memić, Mahler coefficients of 1-Lipschiz measure-preserving functions on Zp, Int. J. Number Theory, 16, No. 6. (2020), 1247-1261
- Nacima Memić and Jasmina Muminović Huremović, Ergodic Uniformly Differentiable Functions Modulo p on Zp, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Analysis and Applications 12(1) (2020), 49-59
- Nacima Memić, Mahler coefficients of locally scaling transformations on $\mathbb{Z}_{p}, Colloq. Math.162, No1, (2020), 53-76.
- Nacima Memić and Samra Sadiković, Maximal Operators and Characterization of Hardy Spaces, Analysis Mathematica 46(1) (2020) :119-131
- Nacima Memić, Mahler Coefficients of Uniformly Differentiable Functions Modulo p, IInt. J. Number Theory, 16, No.9 (2020), 2113-2127
- Nacima Memić and Amil Pečenković, On the L_1 norm of the Dirichlet kernel on the group of 2-adic integers, Acta Universitatis Apulensis 63, (2020) :123-130
- Nacima Memić, Notes on ergodic 2-adic transformations, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 12 (2020), 297-309
- Milad Moazami Goodarzi, Mahdi Hormozi and Nacima Memić, Embedding of generalized Wiener classes into Lipschitz spaces, Math. Inequal. Appl. 22, No. 1, 291-296 (2019)
- Nacima Memić, On some compatible functions on the set of 3-adic integers, Colloq. Math. 155, No. 2, 197-214 (2019)
- Nacima Memić, Sets of minimality of (1-1)-rational functions, p-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 10 (2018), , No. 3, pp. 209–221.
- Nacima Memić, Amil Pečenković, Difference operator and derivative on the dyadic field, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogiace Nyíregyháziensis (AMAPN), 34(1), 2018.
- Nacima Memić, Ergodic polynomials on 2-adic spheres, Bulletin Polish Acad. Sci. Math., DOI: 10.4064/ba8099-1-2017 Published online: 9 March 2017
- Milad Moazami Goodarzi, Mahdi Hormozi, Nacima Memić, Relations between Schramm spaces and generalized Wiener classes, JMAA, 450 (2017), 829–838. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2017.01.033
- N. Memić, Z. Šabanac, On perturbed monomials on 2-adic speres around 1, Filomat, 31:15 (2017), 4905–4913 https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL1715905M
- Nacima Memić, Ergodicity conditions on the group of 3-adic integers, Colloquium Mathematicum, DOI: 10.4064/cm6696-2-2016.
- Nacima Memić, Characterization of ergodic rational functions on the set of 3-adic units, International Journal of Number Theory, DOI: 10.1142/S1793042117500609, 2016
- Nacima Memić, George Tephnadze and L. E. Persson, A note on the maximal operators of Vilenkin—Nörlund means with non-increasing coefficients, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 53(4):545-556, December 2016, DOI: 10.1556/012.2016.53.4.1342
- Nacima Memić, Ergodic Products and Powers on Compact Subsets of the p-adic Field, Bulletin Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 64 (2016) , 47-53, DOI: 10.4064/ba8027-7-2016.
- Nacima Memić and Zenan Šabanac, On some subsequences of Fejer means for integrable functions on unbounded Vilenkin groups, Advances in Mathematics: Scienti c Journal 5 (2016), no.2, 143 152.
- Nacima Memić, Almost everywhere convergence of some subsequences of Fejer means for integrable functions on some unbounded Vilenkin groups, Math. Slovaca, 67 (2017), no:1, 179-190. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ms-2016-0256.
- Nacima Memić, Ergodic polynomials on subsets of p-adic integers, p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Application, Vol. 8, No. 2 (2016), pp. 149–159.
- Nacima Memić, Ilona Simon, George Tephnadze, Strong convergence of two dimensional Vilenkin-Fourier series, Math. Nachr. 1–16 (2015)/DOI 10.1002/mana.201400239
- Memić Nacima, Almost everywhere convergence of some subsequences of the Norlund logarithmic means of Walsh–Fourier series, Analysis Mathematica, 41 (2015), 45–54, DOI: 10.1007/s10476-015-0104-7
- Nacima Memić, Almost everywhere convergence of Fejer means of some subsequences of Fourier series for integrable functions with respect to the Kaczmarz system, Advances in Mathematics: Scienti c Journal 4 (2015), no.1, 65 77 ISSN 1857-8365.
- Memić Nacima, On the divergence of Norlund logarithmic means with respect to the L1 norm on some unbounded Vilenkin groups, Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform. 29 (2014), no. 3, 271–279.
- Memić Nacima, On almost everywhere convergence of some subsequences of Fejer means for integrable integrable functions on unbounded Vilenkin groups, Acta Math. Acad. Paedagog. Nyházi. (N.S.) 30 (2014), 91–101.
- Memić Nacima, A note on multipliers of weak type on the dyadic group. Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform. 28 (2013), no. 1, 67–74.
- Memić Nacima, Estimates for the integral of maximal functions of Fejér kernel. Acta Math. Acad. Paedagog. Nyházi. (N.S.) 28 (2012), no. 2, 177–187.
- Memić Nacima, On the boundedness of the V-conjugation operator On Hardy spaces. New Zealand J. Math. 42 (2012), 121–129.
- Memić Nacima; Pirić Samra, Inverse character formula for Vilenkin systems. Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform. 27 (2012), no. 2, 199–211.
- Avdispahić, M.; Memić, N.; Weisz, F. Maximal functions, Hardy spaces and Fourier multiplier theorems on unbounded Vilenkin groups. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 390 (2012), no. 1, 68–73.
- Memić Nacima, Multiplicative systems on ultra-metric spaces. Math. Balkanica (N.S.) 24 (2010), no. 3-4, 275–284.
- Avdispahić, M.; Memić, N. On the Lebesgue test for convergence of Fourier series on unbounded Vilenkin groups. Acta Math. Hungar. 129 (2010), no. 4,381–392.
- Avdispahić, M.; Memić, N. A derivative on the field of p-adic numbers. p-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl. 2 (2010), no. 4, 278–284.
- Avdispahić, M.; Memić, N. Fourier multiplier theorem for atomic Hardy spaces on unbounded Vilenkin groups. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 363 (2010), no. 2, 588–595.