/    /  Prof. Dženan Gušić Ph.D.
Prof. dr. Dženan Gušić

ACADEMIC TITLE:  Full professor
TELEPHONE NUMBER: ++ 387 33 279 984
E-MAIL: dzenang@pmf.unsa.ba
CONSULTATIONS: Monday: 09:00 – 14:00


  • 01/09/2011–24/12/2013 Doctor of Mathematics Faculty of Science, Zmaja od Bosne, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) thesis topic: “On the distribution of simple geodesic lines on hyperbolic manifolds” area: Analytical number theory
  • 01/09/2007–19/08/2009 Master of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Master’s thesis topic: “Non-invariant form of the Arthur-Selberg trace formula” area: Analytical number theory
  • 01/09/2001–04/01/2007    professor of mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) thesis topic: “Selection from the theory of groups, rings and fields with reference to the Wedderburn theorem on finite bodies” area: Algebra

Academic experience

  • 2022- to date, full professor at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) areas: Analysis, Theoretical Computer Science
  • 06/03/2019–2022   associate professor at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) areas: Analysis, Theoretical Computer Science
  • 12/06/2014–06/03/2019 assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), areas: Analysis, Number Theory
  • 26/11/2011–12/06/2014 senior assistant at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) area of ​​Analysis
  • 04/10/2007–26/01/2011 assistant at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), subjects: Mathematics I and II for chemists
  • 01/04/2007–01/10/2007 mathematics teacher “Obala” Gymnasium Obala Kulina bana 3, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • 01/09/2006–01/04/2007 demonstrator Faculty of Science Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) demonstrator at the Department of Mathematics, subjects: Introduction to Mathematics, Introduction to Linear Algebra Business or sector education

Scientific papers

  1. J. Gušić, Integral representations of the Logarithmic Derivative of the Selberg Zeta Function, Math. Balkanica 24 (2010), 243-251.
  2. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, A weighted prime geodesic theorem, Math. Balkanica 25 (2011), 463-474.
  3. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, On the error term in the prime geodesic theorem, Bull. Korean. Math. Soc. 49 (2012), 367-372.
  4. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, Order of Selberg’s and Ruelle’s zeta functions for compact even-dimensional locally symmetric spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 413 (2014), 525-531.
  5. M. Avdispahić, Dž. Gušić and D. Kamber, Order of zeta functions for compact even-dimensional symmetric spaces, Bull. Hellenic Math. Soc. 59 (2016), 57-69.
  6. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, On the Prime Geodesic Theorem for Non-Compact Riemann Surfaces, Advances in Pure Math. 6 (2016), 903-914.
  7. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, Prime geodesic theorem for compact even-dimensional locally symmetric spaces of real rank one, Int. J. of Pure Math. 4 (2017), 26-36.
  8. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, On the length spectrum for compact locally symmetric spaces of real rank one, WSEAS Trans. he Math. 16 (2017), 303-321.
  9. N. Dukić, Dž. Gušić and N. Kajmović, On equivalences between fuzzy dependencies and fuzzy formulas’ satisfiability for Yager’s fuzzy implication operator, WSEAS Trans. He Math. 17 (2018), 35-43.
  10. N Dukić, Dž. Gušić and N. Kajmović, Reichenbach and f-generated implications in fuzzy database relations, Int. J. Of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 12 (2018), 285-297.
  11. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, On the logarithmic derivative of zeta functions for compact even-dimensional locally symmetric spaces of real rank one, Mathematica
  12. Slovaca, 69 (2019) (accepted for publication, will be published in Vol. 69 (2019), No. 2)
  13. N. Dukić, Dž. Gušić, A. Muratović-Ribić, A. Alihodžić, E. Tabak and H. Dukić, From fuzzy dependencies to fuzzy formulas and vice versa, for Kleene-Dienes fuzzy implication operator, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control, 13 (2018), 285-297
  14. J. Gušić, Prime geodesic theorem for compact even-dimensional locally symmetric Riemannian manifolds of strictly negative sectional curvature, WSEAS Trans. he Math. 17 (2018), 188-196.
  15. J. Gušić, Continuous Maps in Fuzzy Relations, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 13 (2018), 324-344.
  16. J. Gušić, A Weighted Generalized Prime Geodesic Theorem, WSEAS Trans. he Math. 17 (2018), 237-251.
  17. J. Gušić, On the Logarithmic Derivative of Zeta Functions for Compact, Odd-dimensional Hyperbolic Spaces, WSEAS Trans. He Math. 18 (2019), 176-184.
  18. J. Gušić, On the Logarithmic Prime Geodesic Theorem, WSEAS Trans. He Math. 18 (2019), 185-196.
  19. J. Gušić, On the Length Spectrum for Compact, Odd-dimensional, Real Hyperbolic Spaces, WSEAS Trans. He Math. 18 (2019), 211-222.
  20. J. Gušić, Vague Multivalued Dependencies and Resolution Principle, WSEAS Trans. He Math. 18 (2019), 257-263.
  21. J. Gušić, Vague Functional Dependencies and Resolution Principle, WSEAS Trans. He Math. 18 (2019), 288-294.
  22. J. Gušić, Completeness of Inference Rules for New Vague Multivalued Dependencies, WSEAS Trans. He Math. 18 (2019), 295-306.
  23. J. Gušić, On Fuzzy Dependencies and g-Generated Fuzzy Implications in Fuzzy Relations, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 14 (2019), 71-89.
  24. J. Gušić, On Completeness of Inference Rules for Vague Functional and Vague Multivalued Dependencies in Two-Element Vague Relations Instances, WSEAS
  25. Trans. on Systems and Control 14 (2019), 232-238.
  26. J. Gušić and Sanela Nesimović, New Vague Dependencies as a Result of Automation, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 14 (2019), 419-436.
  27. J. Gušić and S. Nesimović, Automatization in Vague Database Relations via Lukasiewicz Fuzzy Implication Operator, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 14 (2019), 445-459.
  28. J. Gušić, On Some Classical and Weighted Estimates for SL4, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 15 (2020), 39-46.
  29. J. Gušić, On the Error Terms of Chebyshev Functions for SL4, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 15 (2020), 57-63.
  30. J. Gušić, On Some Higher Order Counting Functions for PSL(2,R), WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 15 (2020), 73-80.
  31. J. Gušić, Soundness and Completeness of Inference Rules for New Vague Functional Dependencies, MATEC Web of Conferences 292 (2019), 1-9.
  32. J. Gušić, Soundness of Inference Rules for New Vague Multivalued Dependencies, MATEC Web of Conferences 292 (2019), 1-7.
  33. J. Gušić, Prime Geodesic Theorem for Compact Riemann Surfaces, Int. J. Of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 13 (2019), 747-753.
  34. J. Gušić, Approximate Formulas for Zeta Functions of Selberg’s Type in Quotients of SL4, Int. J. Of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 14 (2020), 21-27.
  35. J. Gušić, On the Prime Geodesic Theorem for SL4, Int. J. Of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 14 (2020), 42-48.
  36. J. Gušić, Continuous Functions, g-Generated Implications and Fuzzy Dependencies in Fuzzy Relation Instances, IEEE, (2020), 98-109.
  37. S. Nesimović and Dž. Gušić, Klir-Yuan Fuzzy Implication in Fuzzy Relations, IEEE, (2020), 163-169.
  38. J. Gušić, Z. Šabanac, and S. Nesimović, On Soundness of Various Inference Rules for Vague Functional Dependencies, IEEE, (2020), 182-188.
  39. J. Gušić, Z. Šabanac, and S. Nesimović, On Certain Properties of Vague Relational Databases, IEEE, (2020), 195-201.
  40. J. Gušić, On Generalized Length Spectrum in Quotients of SL4, Journal of Physics 1564 (2020), 012023, 1-15.
  41. J. Gušić, On the Error Term in the Prime Geodesic Theorem for SL4, Journal of Physics 1564 (2020), 012022, 1-14.
  42. J. Gušić, On the Remainder in the Weighted Length Spectrum for Strictly Hyperbolic Fuchsian Groups, Journal of Physics 1564 (2020), 012015, 1-8.
  43. A. Alihodžić, S. Delalić and Dž. Gušić, An Effective Integrated Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Engineering Problems, IEEE, (2020), 207-2014.
  44. J. Gušić, On Asymptotic Behavior of Zeta Singularities for Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces, WSEAS Trans. he Math. 19 (2020), 463-474.
  45. J. Gušić, A. Alihodžić and S. Nesimović, On Some Applications of h-generated Fuzzy Implications, WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control 15 (2020), 490-507.
  46. J. Gušić, Prime Geodesic Theorems for Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces of Real Rank One, Mathematics 8 (2020), 1762, 1-15.
  47. J. Gušić, On Refinements of Rank One Gallagherian Prime Geodesic Theorems, available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.07354
  48. S. Nesimović and Dž. Gušić, Willmot Fuzzy Implication in Fuzzy Databases, submitted.
  49. S. Nesimović and Dž. Gušić, Fuzzy Functional and Multivalued Dependencies for Frank’s Class of Additive Generators, submitted.