NAME AND SURNAME: Manuela Muzika-Dizdarević
ACADEMIC TITLE: Associate Professor
PHONE NUMBER: ++ 387 33 279 941
E-MAIL: manuela.md@pmf.unsa.ba
CONSULTATIONS: Tuesday: 11:00 – 13:00, Wednesday: 10:00 – 13:00
- 1994. Graduated from II gymnasium in Sarajevo – mathematics major
- 2001. Defended her graduation thesis with the topic “Linear representations of finite groups” under the mentorship of prof. Ph.D. Mirjane Vuković at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Sarajevo
- 2010. Defended her master’s thesis on the topic “Divisors on torus manifolds” under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Lipkovski at the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade
- 2010. Enrolled in doctoral studies – majoring in algebra at the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade
Academic experience
- 2011 – until today senior assistant in the field of Algebra at the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Sarajevo
- 2001 – 2010 Assistant in the field of Algebra at the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Science in Sarajevo
- 2004 – 2006 Assistant-associate at the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo for the subject Mathematics for Economists
- 2003 – 2004. Professor of mathematics at Dobrinja High School
Scientific papers
- M. Muzika Dizdarević, Symmetric tilings in the square lattice, (the paper has been accepted for publication in the journal Matematički Vesnik).
- M. Muzika Dizdarević, R.T. Živaljević, Symmetric polyomino tilings, tribones, ideals and Groebner bases, Publications de l’Institut Mathematique, 98 (112), 2015, 1–23. arXiv:1407.2015[math.CO]
- M. Muzika Dizdarević, M. Timotijević, R.T. Žvaljević, Signed polyomino tilings by n-in-line polyominoes and Groebner bases, Publications de l’Institut Mathematique, 99 (113), 2016, 31–42. arXiv:1409.2745[math.CO]
- M. Muzika Dizdarević, “Symmetric polyomino tilings and Groebner bases”, Symposium Mathematics and Application, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, 2014. Vol V
- Manuela Muzika Dizdarevic, Rade T. Zivaljevic, SYMMETRIC POLYOMINO TILLINGS, TRIBONES, IDEALS, AND GRÖBNER BASES, PUBLICATIONS DE L’INSTITUT MATHÉMATIQUE Nouvelle série, tome 98(112) (2015), 1–23 DOI: 10.2298/PIM1512001