/    /  Assoc. Prof. Dina Kamber-Hamzić Ph.D.
Doc. dr. Dina Kamber-Hamzić

ACADEMIC TITLE: Associate Professor
TELEPHONE NUMBER: ++ 387 33 279 948
E-MAIL: dinakamber@pmf.unsa.ba


  • March 2014 – October 2019 – completed the third cycle of studies “Natural and Mathematical Sciences in Education” at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the
  • University of Sarajevo Title of doctoral dissertation: Analysis and resolution of cognitive obstacles in the teaching of trigonometry (date of public defense: October 14, 2019 )
  • September 2011 – June 2012 – completed Pedagogical teacher training at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo
  • October 2008 – February 2011 – completed the second cycle of studies at the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Sarajevo, Major: Applied Mathematics
  • October 2005 – June 2008 – completed the first cycle of studies at the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Sarajevo, major: Applied Mathematics

Academic experience

  • 01.04.2020. – docentica na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu, oblast: Metodika nastave matematike i informatike
  • 05.09.2017. – 01.04.2020. – viša asistentica na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu, oblast: Metodika nastave matematike i informatike
  • 04.03.2014. – 05.09.2017. – asistentica na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu, oblast: Metodika nastave matematike i informatike zimski semestar 2014/2015. – vanjski saradnik na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu, predmet: Linearna algebra i geometrija
  • 07.02.2011. – 03.03.2014. – profesorica matematike u Drugoj gimnaziji Sarajevo
  • ljetni semestar 2007/2008. – demonstrator na predmetu Uvod u linearnu algebru

Naučni radovi

  1. Avdispahić M., Gušić Dž., i Kamber D. (2016). Order of zeta functions for compact even-dimensional symmetric spaces. Bulletin of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, 59, 57-69.
  2. Burgić, Dž., Omerović, M., i Kamber, D. (2017). Application of cooperative learning in early mathematics teaching – teachers attitudes. HUMAN, 7(1), 25-33.
    Kamber, D., & Takaci, D. (2018). On problematic aspects in learning trigonometry. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 49 (2),
  3. 161-175. doi: 10.1080/0020739X.2017.1357846
  4. Kamber Hamzić, D., i Šabanac, Z. (2020). Two plane geometry problems are approached through analytic geometry. The Mathematical Gazette, 104 (560), 255-261. doi: 10.1017/mag.2020.48

Professional works

  1. Bikić, N., Kamber, D., and Nesimović, S. (2015). GeoGebra in mathematics lessons – graphs of linear and exponential functions. Proceedings of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zenica, Vol. 13, 165-176
  2. Sitar, M., & Kamber, D. (2016). Dirichlet’s principle and its application. Algorithm (magazine of the Association of Mathematicians Algorithm Mostar), Vol. 4, 23-25.
  3. Franjić, A., Kamber Hamzić, D., and Šabanac, Z. (2019). Some proofs of Thales’ saying. Mathematics in school, Vol. 25, 14 – 19