/  News   /  Sarajevo Canton: From the next academic year, scholarships for deficient teaching professions (teacher/professor of mathematics and informatics)

Sarajevo Canton: From the next academic year, scholarships for deficient teaching professions (teacher/professor of mathematics and informatics)

The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth of the Canton of Sarajevo, in cooperation with the competent institutions, continue activities to improve the quality of education in the Canton of Sarajevo. From 2022/2023. study year, they start the Scholarship Program for students of teaching faculties, for which funds in the amount of 200,000 KM have been allocated. This is the first time that the issue of missing teaching professions is dealt with by the ministry in a systematic and planned manner.
“The goal is to use certain measures to help solve the lack of teaching staff of certain profiles in the schools of the Canton of Sarajevo, and at the same time to encourage the most successful students with a high school diploma to enroll in teacher study programs in greater numbers.

In this sense, we are pleased to inform you that the Canton of Sarajevo will in the academic year 2022/2023. to provide scholarships to students who enroll in study programs in the framework of which staff are trained for teaching professions that are in short supply,” said the relevant ministries. On the territory of Sarajevo Canton for 2022/2023. year, the following teaching occupations were identified as deficient: IT teacher/professor, mathematics teacher/professor, physics teacher/professor, German language teacher/professor, and technical culture teacher and preschool education teacher. These occupations were declared deficient based on the data of the Employment Agency, as well as the analysis of the teaching staff employed in these areas in primary and secondary schools, and based on the assessment of the future needs of schools and data from the EMIS information system. It is foreseen that a needs analysis will be made for each subsequent year and that a student scholarship program will be made based on it, in accordance with the economic needs of society, it was pointed out.

The public will be informed in a timely manner about the number of provided scholarships according to the specified teacher profiles, the amount of scholarships, as well as the criteria for ranking candidates.